
Sister Jane Ann Beckman, OP

Much of sister Jane Ann’s ministerial life has been spent in the archdiocese of Chicago and the Rockford diocese. She taught theology and home economics at Marian Catholic High School, Chicago Heights, and for 24 years has served in various capacities at the Dominican Literacy Center, Aurora. Since 2011 she has coordinated the citizenship program at the center, preparing permanent legal residents of the United States for their citizenship tests. “It’s a privilege to work with our students because they have such courage and determination to succeed. They also have deep gratitude that we are willing to help them,” she said.

Her first years of ministry were spent teaching primary grades at Sacred Heart, Granite City, Ill., (1962-1963), St. Dominic, Quincy, Ill., (1963-1969), St. Walter, Chicago (1969-1971), and St. Charles Borromeo, Hampshire, Ill. (1971-1975). It was then she went to Rosary High School (1975-1982) and from there to Marian Catholic High School (1982-1990). After one year as a pastoral minister at St. Mary Parish, Assumption, Ill, (1990-1991) Sister Jane Ann studied in preparation for the role of formation director for the congregation (1992-1998). From 1998 to the present she has served at the Dominican Literacy Center, Aurora, Ill.

Since 2011 she has coordinated the citizenship program at the center, teaching permanent legal residents of the united states. “It’s a privilege to work with our students because they have such courage and determination to succeed. They also have deep gratitude that we are willing to help them,” she said. "Throughout my religious life, being able to teach and meet wonderful people has been a gift and a joy for which I am grateful."

Sister Jane Ann's sister Mary Ellen Schueler and her brothers Paul and Patrick (Linda) Beckman share her joy.

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4 thoughts on “Sister Jane Ann Beckman, OP”

  1. Congratulations Sister Jane Ann! I also share your joy! And am amazed that, after 60 years, you are still able to continue your beautiful ministry! You are a blessing to all who know you!

  2. Congratulations on such a momentous occasions!
    Sister Jane Ann, you have barely changed. Thank you for your vocation and dedication to your ministry.
    Everyone loved you at Rosary! God Bless
    Sally Hansen
    Rosary class of ‘79

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