
Sister Ann shares her love of teaching children

Sister Ann Brummel has loved Catholic education her entire life. After serving in many roles at St. Peter Catholic School and Rosary High School, in Aurora, Ill., she knew the time had come to step away from leadership roles to do something different. 

“I said when the time came, I wanted to either be an usher for the Chicago Cubs or teach preschool. Since I didn’t get the usher position, I get to see the future by teaching preschool,” said Sister Ann with a chuckle. 

After working for years with Father Bill Etheredge, who serves as the pastor and superintendent at St. Mary’s Catholic School in Sycamore, she learned they needed help with the preschool class the school was starting that fall. When the principal called her for an interview, she was excited for the opportunity to teach the inaugural class of 3-year-olds. 

“I love little kids, and my fellow sisters have always told me I am a kid magnet,” she confessed. 

“They were delightful, and I love teaching them about Jesus. Just to see their eyes light up is an experience I will always cherish,” said Sister Ann. “They are filled with so many questions. They ask how God made the world, and I feel blessed to be the one to teach them,” she continued. 

Ann also teaches the children basic human skills that include manners and basic kindness. “They are learning, and I teach them to use their hands to help one another, not to hurt anyone,” she continued. 

"They ask how God made the world, and I feel blessed to be the one to teach them."

One student, who transferred into the school in January from Nigeria, left a lasting impression on both students and teacher. “It was precious to watch him adapt to his new environment and watch his reactions to things he had never seen or eaten before,” said Sister Ann. 

She also volunteers at St. Patrick Parish in Yorkville by leading the Children’s Liturgy of the Word for the kindergarten –2nd grade students during the Sunday Mass. “It’s rewarding to teach the younger students and help them understand God’s love.” 

3 thoughts on “Sister Ann shares her love of teaching children”

  1. Teaching has always been a passion for Sr. Ann. It’s exciting that she was able to go back to it after years of administration work.
    She loves being with the kids…and YES she is a “kid magnet.”

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