
Elections & Political Parties: Month for Peace 2021

Voting has been the democratic form par excellence used by citizens to settle political conflicts. The people understood that voting in elections was the most important component of what Democracy means, although elections are not enough for the preservation of Democracy, as sometimes voting does not necessarily mean electing.

In a democracy, all members of society can freely express their opinion and have their opinion heard and respected, even if they are a minority. On repeated occasions this has been the path that Venezuela has taken to generate democratic solutions to the crisis, but the bias of the arbitrators, electoral advantageous practices, persecution of leaders, political prisoners, and even the identity theft that affected opposition parties have not allowed this to be a favorable path, generating distrust and skepticism among citizens when it comes to exercising their right to vote.

Dominican Family in Venezuela

Responding to the Gospel call to care for our neediest brothers and sisters, the Dominican family in Venezuela, consisting of 21 friars,

195 sisters, 85 lay people and 42 young people, carries out 6 parishes, 32 schools and 15 social programs (nursing homes, foster homes, houses of preaching and hospitality, vicarages and refectories)

Through the Citizenship and Hope project, the Dominicans in Venezuela recognize that education (study) is the most effective way to contribute to the construction of a better country.

With a presence throughout the country, they care for more than 600 children in parishes, 21,815 children and young people in schools, 7% of whom receive scholarships from religious communities to pay for their studies and 56% receive assistance with food, uniforms, school supplies, clothing and footwear, spiritual and psychological care, for a total of 16,000 families, more than 400 elderly people in nursing homes and more than 40 girls in foster homes.

The CITIZENSHIP AND HOPE project is carried out through 4 programs that allow us to cover in a broad and organized way our general objective "To educate citizens from the Dominican educational ideal that, in the light of faith and Christian and civic values, strengthen the defense of human rights in Venezuela with the exercise of citizenship."

 1- Educating for Peace

In alliance with the Organization "Educating for Peace", we offer the children and youth of our schools an academic program aimed at promoting coexistence, conflict management and problem solving through teacher training and guidelines for each grade.

2- Preaching Scholarship

We provide our scholarship students, their parents and the Justice and Peace OP team of each institution, a citizenship education program in democracy that prepares them to be promoters of civic values in society through the arts and ICTs.

3- Dominican Student Center

With the opportunity offered by the Student Movement organized in each school, we provide students with the experience of living and defending the democratic and civil values of an electoral process, governance and accountability.

4- On dead skin

The expression of St. Dominic de Guzman "I cannot study on dead skins, while my brothers and sisters die of hunger" inspires us to be compassionate and to take concrete actions in favor of the most vulnerable: meal centers, clothing centers, financial assistance to families, donations of food, medicines and school supplies, spiritual and psychological support.


Information provided by the Justice and Peace team of the Dominican Family in Venezuela.

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