
Perpetual Vow Ceremony Scheduled
for Sister Kelly Moline, OP

“Profession in the Order of Preachers is our way of responding to our baptismal call to proclaim the Gospel.”

—Article 1, Constitutions of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield

The Dominican Sisters of Springfield are pleased to announce the perpetual profession of vows of Sister Kelly Moline during the Eucharistic Liturgy at 10 a.m., Sunday, August 8, 2021, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Springfield, Ill.

A limited number of fully vaccinated guests, including Sister Kelly’s parents, Kevin and Cindy Moline, her brother Jay, other family and close friends plan to be present in the chapel for the ceremony.

Celebrate with us via livestream

We still need to be cautious to protect the health of our senior sisters, our employees, and guests by limiting the number of people who come to Sacred Heart Convent, but you can still support and celebrate with Sister Kelly. The public is welcome to register for the livestream broadcast. RSVP for the livestream today!

About the photo: Sister Kelly, third from left, with some of her Springfield Dominican Sisters.

2 thoughts on “Perpetual Vow Ceremony Scheduled <br>for Sister Kelly Moline, OP”

  1. Congratulations, Kelly! As one of your Dominican Sisters, I am so happy for you and our Dominican Congregations throughout the United States. Be assured of my continued support for you in your journey as a Dominican Women religious! See you at our next in-person gathering, whenever and wherever that might be!
    Your sister in Dominic and Catherine,
    Diane Capuano (Amityville)

  2. Mark & Davis Davis

    Dawn and I are so happy for you. We will be watching and look forward to seeing you next week as we celebrate with you. May God’s presence fill you that you feel intimacy, peace, power and purpose. We love you.

    Mark & Dawn Davis

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