
Light of the Church

Sunday, September 8 was the first of eight monthly two hours sessions for Associate candidates. The prayer for the first session was called Light of the Church. Take a few moments and read the beautiful prayer the Associate candidates read before their first session.

Light of the Church

A  Meditation on a Hymn to Saint Dominic

O, Light of the Church,
Doctor of Truth,
Rose of Patience,
Ivory of Chastity,
Freely, have you dispensed the waters of wisdom.
Preacher of grace, unites us to the blessed.


All: O, Light of the Church
er 1:       Before he was born, Dominic's mother had a dream in which she gave birth to a black and white spotted dog carrying a torch in its mouth. We thank You God, for the life of Dominic, whose preaching brought the light of Christ to those who lived in ignorance. Sustain the ministry of the Springfield Dominican Sisters and the Dominican Associates by allowing this same light to pass through us in every encounter.

All: Doctor or Truth
Reader 2:      Dominic spoke the Truth of Christ Incarnate and his preaching upheld the dignity of the human person as a gift of God. We ask You God, help us to respond to the goodness of all creation and with due reverence, to recognize those we serve as Your children.

All: Rose of Patience
Reader 3:      Dominic showed remarkable patience with his brethren and with Church authorities. Help us God, to be patient not only with those we serve, but with the many others with whom we collaborate for the sake of ministry.

All: Ivory of Chastity           
Reader 4:      Dominic understood that chastity is a way of loving which spends itself for the good of others. Help us God, to honor our family members, friends, coworkers, and others through words and deeds that speak of  You.

All: Freely have you dispensed the waters of wisdom
Reader 5:      Dominic freely shared his intellectual and spiritual gifts for the common good. Show us God, how to use our gifts at prayer, at study, at meetings, and in every setting throughout the day.

All: Preacher of grace, unite us to the blessed
Reader 6:      Dominic's preaching built up unity among the faithful and the entire communion of saints. Help us God, be preachers of grace, to build up the bonds of community within the Associates and the congregation.

All: Eternal Triune God, with gratitude for the life of Saint Dominic, Light of the Church, we ask You to bless this session of Associate Candidate formation. Send the Holy Spirit to Instruct us in wisdom so that like Saint Dominic, we may continue to bring the light of Christ to the world.

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