
Join Us in the Struggle against Human Trafficking

July 30 is World Anti-trafficking Day. Please join us in asking Attorney General William Barr to fund and enforce the 2008 Protect our Children Act.

Dominican Sisters of Springfield are members of a powerful advocacy and education organization called U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking. Through this organization we have learned, educated others, and most importantly advocated for legislative and social change to put an end to many different trafficking concerns, from child sex trafficking to slave labor to organ trafficking.

Because of our membership “If you are with us, you are with them—the victims and survivors of trafficking” says Sister Marcelline Koch, justice promoter for our congregation.

How you can help

Sign-on to a letter to Attorney General Barr, requiring that he fulfill his responsibility to update and implement strategies to combat the online exploitation of children.

Educate yourself by reading the Stop Trafficking Newsletter published monthly by U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking.

Learn about the connection between the U.S. legacy of racism, colonialism, and slavery and human trafficking, considered by many to be a modern-day form of slavery.

Donate in support of houses that serve survivors of trafficking, including Bethany House in Chicago where our Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy ministers.

Thank you!

Please don’t discount your simple actions and the effectiveness of your self-education and prayer. It all makes a difference! It’s all important. Thank you for taking at least one of the actions above in defense of the lives of trafficked children.

5 thoughts on “Join Us in the Struggle against Human Trafficking”

  1. Sister Santina DeLuca

    Our country, our world is a village in which many of our precious children are being taken, abused, brutalized,
    and left hopeless for any human care or healing! How dare we remain comfortable while even one child suffers this scourge!

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