"You called. I answered and crawled out from under the burdens of life and began to embrace the creative budding of young ones opening the door to a new beginning."
~Sister Regina Marie Bernet

What do you hope for this Christmas? What is pulling on your heart strings? Sister Regina Marie Bernet has been a sign of living hope for hundreds of people for more than 65 years. Read more here.
For the next 11 years of ministry, Sister Regina Marie trained dozens of art students in her studio at Sacred Heart Academy. Can you imagine all those students who’ve had lifetimes of satisfaction and joy in their craft and art thanks to the skilled direction of Sister Regina Marie?
“I have to thank Sister Regina Marie for my ability to be creative with cakes,” wrote former student Pamela Markusson, who said every time she makes a cake she says a prayer for her teacher.
Kimberly Steil Magowan, who teaches art at St. Agnes School in Springfield, also fell under Sister Regina Marie’s influence. “Before every art class she led us in prayer,” Kimberly recalls.
“Sister Regina Marie made it known through her faith, her words, actions, and instruction that God was the True Artist. Because of her knowledge, patience, kindness, and deep love for Christ, I am able to pass on those qualities to my students. I learned from the best.”
"You called. My answer brought new horizons that widened my perspectives. I witnessed the pain of young ones in shattered families and was graced to help them and others unlock new doors of love instead of fear."
~Sister Regina Marie Bernet
Sister Regina Marie’s sensitivity to others’ pain opened her heart to an experience she treasures. For at least five years she served as Illinois Midstate director of Rainbows for All God’s Children, promoting this grief counseling program for children throughout Central Illinois who had experienced death or divorce in their families.
Share the gift of Living Hope with Sister Regina Marie and her fellow sisters.
The Dominican Sisters continue to serve people left behind and forgotten by society. From the immigrants who learn English and become citizens at our literacy centers, to the young people and families on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, our sisters continue to labor among people others ignore.
Share the gift of care for the dignity of all human beings, today.
Don’t miss the rest of Sister Regina Marie’s story to learn how it is she ended up spending countless hours in prison!
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