
Donor Report tells inspiring stories

First and foremost, the Annual Donor Report is the way we are accountable to our donors and express our thanks for their partnership in the mission God has given us.

The report is also filled with inspiring stories about the impact of donors' generous gifts.

If you've missed it, you might want to check out this story from the 2023 donor report about the parish ministries of Sisters Lori Kirchman and Margaret Schreiber who inspire and support the faith lives of parishioners of Holy Family Church in Logan County. 

Or from the 2022 donor report tells the story of a former educator who now helps feed the hungry?  Read more about the mission of Sister Katrina Lamkin.

Will you join us in God’s Gospel-driven mission? 

A gift from you today will support our communication ministry, and so many other ways we share the good news of God’s love in the world today.  

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