
Dominican Sisters Sign Court Brief in Support of Clean Power Plan


The Dominican Sisters of Springfield were one of thirty U.S. Catholic groups to sign an amicus brief in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, designed to reduce carbon pollution by 32 percent below 2005 levels and make sure that America continues to scrub carbon emissions from our energy usage for a cleaner future.

The brief was filed yesterday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which is currently reviewing challenges to the Clean Power Plan from the carbon industry and 27 states, including major coal-producing states.

Last month the Supreme Court issued a stay regarding the new EPA rules that prevents it from enforcing any of the rule’s requirements until the lawsuits against it are fully resolved. The distric appeals court will hear oral arguments in the case on June 2.

The brief was organized by Catholic Climate Covenant and signed by Catholic Dioceses, organizations, universities and religious communities.

Read the news release here.

Learn more about the Clean Power Plan here.

Join the Catholic Climate Covenant here.

A powerful reflection on our responsibility to care for creation.

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