
Defining Hope: A litany

This Litany of Hope was inspired by the Preaching of Sister Judith Hilbing, OP, during the Dominican Sisters of Springfield's annual General Assembly, June 16-18, 2022. What would you add to make the litany your own?

What is hope?

  1. Let us hear your word, O God. Surely your word is HOPE!

Hope is in the wakening colors of spring after a barren winter. R.

Hope is in fresh beginnings and reconciliation. R.

Hope flourishes in the pride of LGBTQ persons. R.

Hope walks with our Indigenous sisters and brothers, as they take each step on sacred Earth. R.

Hope is a matter of geography— “We see what we see because of where we choose to stand.”* R.

Hope dwells in the merciful and compassionate heart of God. R.

Hope lives in the choice to heal and transform. R.

Hope comes as gift—not commodity. R.

Hope is joined through inclusivity and welcome. R.

Hope flows from the choice to abandon shame, judgement, and rejection. R.

Hope engages with all people—their needs, and their dreams. R.

Hope chooses to care for land and life. R.

Hope flowers with truth-telling. R.

Hope is defined by those who choose to be sentinels of HOPE in the social and religious margins. R.

*Quoting Father Greg Boyle, SJ.

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