
Celebrating the 2018 Jubilarians

It is a rare thing to be able to count life-commitment milestones in multiples of 25. In 2018 we are blessed with ten such milestones for our sisters who have been faithful to living the evangelical counsels for 25, 50, and even 75 years.

Enjoy these brief reflections from these remarkable women—our sisters—who, in being faithful to God, to the people of God, and to one another, have revealed a secret to happiness and fulfillment—living a life of community, service, and prayerful attentiveness to the God of Holy Mystery. Click on each photo to learn more about the jubilarians.

Sister Teresine Zarones, OP


Hermana Patricia de la O', OP

Hermana Patricia De La O’ Llanos

Sister Phyllis Schenk, OP

Sister Phyllis Schenk, OP

Sister Barbara Blesse, OP

Sister Barbara Blesse

Sister Patricia Francis, OP

Sister Patricia Francis, OP (Sister John Francis)

Sister Kathleen Cour, OP

Sister Kathleen Cour, OP

Sister Suzanne Donner, OP

Sister Suzanne Donner, OP

Sister Ann Brummel, OP

Sister Ann Brummel, OP (Sister Ann Jeremy)

Sister Teresine Zarones, OP

Sister Mary Teresine Zarones, OP

Sister Elizabeth McAuliffe, OP

Sister Elizabeth McAuliffe, OP (Sister Jeremiah John)

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