
Religious Life

Registration now open for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples

Virtual prayer for the six Wednesdays of Lent Springfield, Ill.—Women and men everywhere are invited to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples. The virtual sessions, scheduled for 7:00 pm Central Time on the Wednesdays of Lent starting March 5, will allow space for participants to attune their […]

Registration now open for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples Read More »

Why on Earth would anyone want to be a Catholic sister?

If you’ve ever wondered why anyone chooses religious life, then you might want to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield on February 28 to find out. Perhaps you think that God might be calling you to consecrated life. Or—maybe just the opposite—you have difficulty understanding why on Earth someone would choose to be a Catholic

Why on Earth would anyone want to be a Catholic sister? Read More »

Education, advocacy, public witness: Illinois religious stand with immigrants

Among the congregations of Catholic sisters and brothers in Illinois whose members participate in Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants (SBI) is the Domincan Sisters of Springfield, who support this statement of solidarity with immigrants published by SBI on December 19, 2024. STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY In accord with Catholic Social Teaching, we believe that each person

Education, advocacy, public witness: Illinois religious stand with immigrants Read More »

The P.I.E. was a big hit

A collaborative event sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union, the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis, and our community, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill., was a big hit in Springfield on Nov. 7, 2024. That night we welcomed more than 160 people for the Springfield Sisters’ Armchair Tour. Friends from all walks

The P.I.E. was a big hit Read More »

O, come let us adore Him:
Advent adoration at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel

In the midst of the holiday rush, give yourself the gift of peace and quiet. You are invited to join the Dominican Sisters for O, Come Let Us Adore Him Advent Adoration, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, December 19, at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, 1237 W. Monroe Street, Springfield, IL 62704. This special event will give your

O, come let us adore Him:
Advent adoration at Sacred Heart Convent Chapel
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“Springfield Sisters’ Armchair Tour” celebrates Sisters’ impact

Sara Wojcicki Jimenez emcees November 7 event Springfield, Ill.— The Springfield Sisters’ Armchair Tour arrives in town on Thursday, Nov. 7 and the public is invited. This unique event, including storytelling and inspiring conversation, is a collaboration among the Ursuline, Franciscan, and Dominican Sisters, who have been transforming generations in Springfield since the arrival of the

“Springfield Sisters’ Armchair Tour” celebrates Sisters’ impact Read More »

Save the Date! Springfield Catholic Sisters Armchair Tour is November 7

Three groups of Catholic Sisters plan a special event for Springfield, Ill. The Springfield Sisters Armchair Tour is a gift to the city from the Ursulines, Franciscans, and Dominican Sisters who began transforming lives in the city in 1857. Global pioneers The Ursuline Sisters established what would become Ursuline Academy three weeks after a handful

Save the Date! Springfield Catholic Sisters Armchair Tour is November 7 Read More »

Dominican Sisters invite all to join a virtual circle of prayer sponsored by U.S. Catholic Sisters

Are the elections and national party conventions weighing heavily on your mind?   The Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill., along with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), invite concerned citizens to join them for a virtual time of prayer 4 – 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 16.   This event, coordinated by LCWR, is 24 hours

Dominican Sisters invite all to join a virtual circle of prayer sponsored by U.S. Catholic Sisters Read More »

Members of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield leadership team stand arm in arm in the beautiful chapel light. From left: Sisters Elyse Marie Ramirez, Joanne Delehanty, M. Paul McCaughey, and Kathlyn Mulcahy.

Mission and Truth: New Springfield Dominican Sisters leadership team takes office

Springfield, Ill.—The Springfield Dominican Sisters’ leadership team, elected last April during general chapter, began a five-year term of service last week after their formal installation during Mass at Sacred Heart Convent here on Saturday, June 15. During a brief, moving ritual, Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, the outgoing prioress general, formally questioned Sister M. Paul McCaughey,

Mission and Truth: New Springfield Dominican Sisters leadership team takes office Read More »

Miracle on the Lake: A heart-racing story of near-tragedy for Dominican Sisters of Springfield

Podcast highlights impact of women religious for Catholic Sisters Week March 8-15. Available here March 8. Springfield, Ill.—A heart-racing story about a near-tragedy that befell ten Springfield Dominican Sisters in 1972 is the centerpiece of the congregation’s Catholic Sisters Week observances this year. Two Springfield Dominicans, Sister Margaret Grueter and Sister Marie Michelle Hackett, share

Miracle on the Lake: A heart-racing story of near-tragedy for Dominican Sisters of Springfield Read More »

Community Day reflects past while looking to the future

Our annual Community Day is a homecoming for us each February and a chance to reflect on the past and contemplate the future. Because we are preparing for General Chapter in April, this year insights were shared about directions for the future. We had plenty of time for contemplation and sharing, and ended the day with Eucharist

Community Day reflects past while looking to the future Read More »

Dominicans cite their charism for slight rise in vocations

One of the largest congregations of women religious in the United States has seen a recent increase in vocations. While there’s no clear reasoning or data behind the trend, sisters in these two Dominican orders — Dominican Sisters of Peace and Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa — say it’s all because of their charism.  Read more about this here: https://www.ncronline.org/news/dominicans-cite-their-charism-slight-rise-vocations 

Dominicans cite their charism for slight rise in vocations Read More »

2024: A year for general chapter. What’s that?

Please join us in prayer for this important community gathering “General Chapter” is one of those terms Catholic sisters use that makes almost no sense to anyone else. The Dominican Sisters of Springfield’s general chapter is scheduled April 1-7, 2024, but preparations have been underway for about a year. Why is it such an important

2024: A year for general chapter. What’s that? Read More »

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