
JUST Words

The Becker Family: Cathy, Josh, Clare, Leah, and Elizabeth

The Becker Family’s Epic Journey: Reconnecting Family in a Post-Pandemic Season

In March 2020 the world suddenly became very small for all of us. My family was no exception. The girls, Leah and Clare, stayed home every day and accessed school via video conference. Josh and I still worked but had limited contact with co-workers and no contact with anyone else. Elisabeth, who lives in Chicago, […]

The Becker Family’s Epic Journey: Reconnecting Family in a Post-Pandemic Season Read More »

Reality through Another’s Eyes: Poems for Peacemaking

This article originally appeared in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. Interested in receiving your own copy of JUST Words? Sign-up here for the print or digital versions.  By: Sister Patricia Stark, OP Sister Patricia lives at Sacred Heart Convent and participated in Sister Mila’s course on the prophets. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Recently, Springfield Dominican Sister

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32 Ways to Live Less Violently

This article was originally published in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. Recognizing our interconnectedness in the cosmos, we have embraced the common call toward communion with God and all creation. Non-violence is an integral part of that journey—a journey which is both inward and outward. Awareness motivates behavior; behavior strengthens one’s internal orientation.

32 Ways to Live Less Violently Read More »

handwritten notes from anti-racism workshop

Active Nonviolence: To Celebrate, Contemplate, and Live

This article was originally published in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. Susan M. Hickman is a Springfield Dominican associate and a member of the sisters’ Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee. Recently I was privileged to participate in a Pax Christi United Kingdom workshop on nonviolence. The sessions took place over five

Active Nonviolence: To Celebrate, Contemplate, and Live Read More »

collage of people attending a zoom meeting

The Blessings of 2020: Sister Kathleen Anne Tait Looks Back—and Forward

This article was originally published in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. January is a month to reflect back and look forward. Far from pulling us in opposite directions, this two-way vision provides a valuable perspective on the experience we are now enduring. Much to my delight, my reflection has revealed three precious gifts

The Blessings of 2020: Sister Kathleen Anne Tait Looks Back—and Forward Read More »

image of building on fire during looting

“What Happened Here?” Understanding the Survival Trauma Response as a Step Toward Healing

This article was originally published in the Winter 2020-2021 Edition of JUST Words. Sister Judine Hilbing reflects: It was the feast of the Visitation, a day to remember Mary as she ran with joyful news to her cousin Elizabeth. It was also the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and COVID-19 had cancelled all hope of

“What Happened Here?” Understanding the Survival Trauma Response as a Step Toward Healing Read More »

Pete Little portrait

COVID-19 at Our Lady of the Sioux Parish

This morning, November 20, 2020, Sister Barbara Ann Bogenschutz communicated to us the sad news of the death from COVID-19 of Mr. Paul Little, a parishioner of Sister Barbara’s at Our Lady of the Sioux Parish, Oglala, SD, and a friend to many of our sisters who’ve had the privilege of knowing him. Read a

COVID-19 at Our Lady of the Sioux Parish Read More »

Building a Bridge is the Greatest Reward

In 45 years as a respiratory therapist I’ve never seen anything like this. Not AIDS. Not SARS. Nothing.” After “hello,” these were Howard Derrick’s first words to me on a May 1st video call from his office at St. Dominic Hospital, Jackson, Miss. “This” was coronavirus. Howard, a Springfield Dominican associate, and I have served

Building a Bridge is the Greatest Reward Read More »

Advent and Christmas:
Seasons that Never End

  Once Thanksgiving rolls around, there is hardly a resident of the United States who can escape the tidal wave of excess known as “The Holiday Season.” It carries us forward on a momentum of joviality, food, drink, gift-giving, and good will. Not a bad thing in itself, if it doesn’t obscure the foundational event

Advent and Christmas:
Seasons that Never End
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Sister Denise Glazik says she understood the nature of call early in religious life when she realized she was not called to teaching. Try as she would, she found no life, energy, or satisfaction in that ministry. With the help of others, she discerned a call to pastoral ministry and finally knew she was doing


Teen Preachers
Catch St. Dominic’s Spirit

These students from Marian Catholic and Sacred Heart-Griffin High Schools so enjoyed their experience at the 2019 Dominican High School Preaching Conference they resolved to meet up one month later in Springfield to continue their immersion in Dominican preaching life! The schools’ campus ministers made it possible. Had they been able, the students from our

Teen Preachers
Catch St. Dominic’s Spirit
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Fletcher Farrar:
High Adventure, Old Houses,
and Giving

Spirituality and Money? These two concepts don’t often rub shoulders. For spouses Fletcher Farrar and Mary Jessup, however, it’s a connection continually made. Fletcher learned from his parents who were integrally tied to church and community in Mt. Vernon, Ill., where Fletcher Farrar Sr. worked as an oil producer. Frequently the product was a dry

Fletcher Farrar:
High Adventure, Old Houses,
and Giving
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What is the Call to Leadership?

Invitation “The Call to leadership is deeply expressed by inviting others to use their gifts, providing opportunities for this, and promoting the common good.”Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP Meet Sister Rebecca Ann Solidarity “Leadership urges me to journey in this service in solidarity with the rostros concretos of the marginalized.”Sister Mila Díaz Solano, OP Meet

What is the Call to Leadership? Read More »

Seeking the Global Common Good:
Seeing, Connecting, and Sustaining
Life-giving Change

This story was first published in the Fall 2018 edition of JUST Words. Passions for justice Among my Springfield Dominican Sisters there are many varied passions for justice. A quick review of the community directory brings to mind certain sisters who are passionate about or ministerialy engaged with the following concerns: immigration reform access to

Seeking the Global Common Good:
Seeing, Connecting, and Sustaining
Life-giving Change
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