
Comfort and Joy

Thank You for Making an Impact: Sister Samuella is Thrilled

This is a copy of Sister Samuella’s hometown newspaper, the Mt. Sterling Democrat-Message, from January 11, 1950. The BIG NEWS, on the front page—just below the report of the Mt. Sterling city council meeting—is the story about the day Sister Samuella gave her life to God as a novice with the Dominican Sisters of Springfield: […]

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Advent and Christmas:
Seasons that Never End

  Once Thanksgiving rolls around, there is hardly a resident of the United States who can escape the tidal wave of excess known as “The Holiday Season.” It carries us forward on a momentum of joviality, food, drink, gift-giving, and good will. Not a bad thing in itself, if it doesn’t obscure the foundational event

Advent and Christmas:
Seasons that Never End
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