

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

By Website Administrator | April 16, 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016 is the 53rd Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations! Please join our Springfield Dominican Sisters throughout the week to pray for young people who are discerning religious life. Do you know someone you feel has the gifts to be a Sister? Contact our vocation director, Sister Teresa Marron, for tips on how to water the seed of God’s call in someone you know and love. Interested in Dominican life for yourself? […]

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Sister Josephine Therese Uhll: Right Woman for the Right Time

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | April 11, 2016

Sister Josephine Therese Uhll, OP, a Dominican Sister of Springfield for 79 years, died on April 9, 2016. She loved her Dominican life and labored tirelessly and with great love in the field of Catholic healthcare, having served as administrator of St. Dominic Health Services in Jackson, Miss., for forty years. All services for Sister Josephine Therese are at Sacred Heart Convent as follows: Tuesday, April 12 Gathering 3:00 p.m. Visitation 3:30-6:15 p.m. Wake service 4:30 p.m. Mass […]

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Dominican Sisters Sign Court Brief in Support of Clean Power Plan

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | April 2, 2016

The Dominican Sisters of Springfield were one of thirty U.S. Catholic groups to sign an amicus brief in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, designed to reduce carbon pollution by 32 percent below 2005 levels and make sure that America continues to scrub carbon emissions from our energy usage for a cleaner future. The brief was filed yesterday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which is currently reviewing challenges […]

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Easter Season Preaching by Sister Rose Marie Riley, OP

By Website Administrator | April 1, 2016

“We celebrate the resurrection story as our way of living, our work in progress. We re-member the mission of Jesus and acknowledge that his transformed vision of a new heaven and a new earth is not yet fulfilled.” ~ Sister Rose Marie Riley, OP Read more of  Sister Rose Marie Riley’s Easter Season Preaching: https://springfieldop.org/news/easter-more-to-come/

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Sister Marcelline Koch's WGLT Radio Interview about Genocide in Iraq

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | March 29, 2016

Springfield Dominican Sister Marcelline Koch was interviewed this week by Judy Valente of WGLT, the public radio station in Normal, Ill., for an update on conditions facing our the Iraqi Dominican family. On March 17 Secretary of State John Kerry declared the situation for Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria is genocide. Sister Marcelline described her experience in Iraq in January 2014 and updates listeners on the latest word from Sister Maria Hanna, OP, prioress […]

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Easter: More to Come!

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | March 28, 2016

An Easter Sunday preaching by Sister Rose Marie Riley, OP Gospel:  John 20: 1-9 This is a Gospel of “more to come.” Here we have darkness—no light. Emptiness, loss, bewilderment—no joy. For Mary, Peter, and John, dreams are dashed. Death, grief, and desolation prevail. No bells are chiming; no alleluia is sung. I find myself tempted to say to the three disciples, “Death isn’t the end; there really IS more to come.” As the evangelist John writes, “They […]

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Happy Easter! Enjoy Sister Pauletta Overbeck’s Easter Tale

By Website Administrator | March 27, 2016

Sister Pauletta Overbeck’s Easter Tale At 101 years of age Sister M. Pauletta Overbeck is still preaching the Good News of the Gospel by radiating the joy of Christ’s’ love in her daily actions. In this delightful video she shares an Easter story, gives a “tour” of the old motherhouse where she lived as a boarder at Sacred Heart Academy, and tells the story of the day, as a 17-year-old, she decided to become a Dominican Sister. Sister […]

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Walk the Way of the Cross

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | March 25, 2016

Today, as has been the case for many years, several of our Sisters participated with an interfaith group in hosting the Way of the Cross in Springfield’s downtown. We start with the first station, Jesus is condemned to death, at the Illinois Supreme Court and finish up with Jesus is taken from the cross at the bus station. In between are many other poignant stops that remind us that Jesus still suffers in the people of the world. […]

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