A Place in the Chapel
by Sister Kathleen Anne Tait, OP, Director of Mission Advancement, Dominican Sisters of Springfield The light streaming through the windows of our motherhouse chapel radiates the warmth of God’s love. That light also reminds us of the generations of sisters and associates and friends who have prayed in this space and discovered that love. Today we set the stage for future generations, guiding them with Christian values like upholding human dignity, creating a more just world, and caring […]
Read MoreGozo | Joy
Dios Misericordioso de la Abundancia, eres tú quien llena mis días y noches de gozo. Como las estrellas que llenan el cielo nocturno de belleza y maravilla, llenas mis días de una alegría electrizante y tranquila. El ángel proclamó a los pastores en Belén: “Les traigo buenas nuevas de gran gozo que vendrán a todo el pueblo”, así que ahora reclamo ese gozo como el mío. (Lucas 2:10) En el momento de su bautismo Jesús escuchó las palabras: […]
Read MoreCaridad | Charity
En la fachada de la Capilla del Convento del Sagrado Corazón hay cuatro ventanas tituladas por Gabriel Loire, “Caridad”. La ubicación de las ventanas, a cada lado de la entrada de la capilla, enfatiza el espíritu con el que entramos a este lugar sagrado. Tomando su inspiración de la primera epístola de San Pablo a los Corintios, Loire nos muestra un corazón ardiente del cual salen llamas de amor, un cáliz, una antorcha dominicana y un escudo. Nos […]
Read MoreStrong woman, strong verbs
This essay first appeared in the July 15 edition of the Springfield State Journal-Register in the Beliefs Column, to which Sister Beth Murphy is a regular contributor. Two years ago, Pope Francis acknowledged the privileged place Mary of Magdala holds for Catholics by elevating the liturgical celebration of her life from a memorial to a feast. It was a wonderful moment for women, and in a special way for all Dominicans, members of the Order of Preachers, because […]
Read MoreNational Sugar Cookie Day
Today is National Sugar Cookie Day! Sister M. Concepta Joerger, OP unveiled her fantastic sugar cookie recipe in March after the video was retweeted 43 times on Twitter and shared 355 times on Facebook. Here is the sugar cookie recipe! Enjoy! SUGAR COOKIES 1 c. margarine 1 c. sugar 1 c. powdered sugar 1 c. oil 2 eggs 1 tbs. vanilla 4 c. flour 1 tsp. cream tartar 1 tsp. soda 1/2 tsp. salt Cream margarine, sugars, add […]
Read MoreSpringfield Dominicans Rally for Families
Seeking asylum is a human right Springfield, Ill.—Springfield Dominican sisters and associates, co-workers and antiracism team members were among the diverse crowd braving dangerously hot temperatures in the capitol city on Saturday to participate in the Families Belong Together rally here on Saturday June 30. An estimated crowd of 300 gathered on the historic Old State Capitol Plaza, in front of the Illinois Statehouse where Abraham Lincoln orated his “House Divided” speech, nearly 160 years to the day. […]
Read MoreDominican Sisters Join National Outcry Against Supreme Court Travel Ban Decision
Standing with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the 38,000 Catholic Sisters they represent An open letter to the nation, When religious-based discrimination is permitted, especially when sanctioned by those at the highest levels of government, the free-exercise of religion by members of all faiths is threatened. This week the Dominican Sisters of Springfield join our voices with 38,000 Catholic Sisters nationwide in saying “not in our name” to the United States’ Supreme Court’s decision in […]
Read MoreRe-membering the Body of Christ
This essay first appeared in the June 3, 2018, edition of the Springfield State Journal-Register, in the Beliefs column, to which Sister Beth Murphy is a frequent contributor. Tu eres mi otro yo. You are my other self. It was Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas speaking, the pastor of St. Mark’s in El Paso, Texas, who last weekend addressed the 2018 graduates of Catholic Theological Union. Among them was my Dominican Sister Kelly Moline. She was the reason I was […]
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