

Sister Concepta's SECRET Sugar Cookie Recipe!

By Website Administrator | March 19, 2018

Wow!  We asked you to share Sister Concepta’s video on Facebook 50 times so she would unveil her SECRET sugar cookie recipe and we got a huge response! As promised, here is the recipe. Let us know if you bake them! Share photos of the cookies, please! Sister Concepta’s TOP SECRET SUGAR COOKIES 1 c. margarine       4 c. flour 1 c. sugar               1 tsp. cream tartar 1 c. oil                     1 tsp. soda 2 […]

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Sisters Get Voters to the Polls with Phone Bank

By Website Administrator | March 19, 2018

[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”17″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”490″ gallery_height=”385″ cycle_effect=”fade” cycle_interval=”15″ show_thumbnail_link=”1″ thumbnail_link_text=”[View All Photos]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Springfield Dominican Sisters called people to do their civic duty and vote in the Illinois primary election on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. That is, they literally called. The sisters met with Meg Evans and Molly Parker from Faith Collation for the Common Good to learn how to reach people by phone, remind them to vote, and direct them to the correct polling […]

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Response to Online Appeal Shows Value of Catholic Sisters to Social Wellbeing

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | March 14, 2018

  Springfield, Ill.—The Springfield Dominicans’ first-ever online fundraising appeal is going viral and overwhelming the sisters with messages of gratitude. It also demonstrates that religious life is vital to the future of a spiritually grounded and peaceful world, the sisters’ vocation director says. Was one of our Sisters your rock? Is the theme for the second of three annual appeals sent by our office of Mission Advancement. It is generating an active exchange on the sisters’ social media […]

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Happy National Catholic Sisters Week 2018!

By Website Administrator | March 13, 2018

Happy National Catholic Sisters Week! Student journalists Logan Evans and Max Hartwig made a short film asking Sacred Heart-Griffin students, “What is the difference between a nun and a sister”? Sister Phillip Neri Crawford, OP, Sister Phillip Neri Crawford, OP, Sister Rosemary McGuire, OP, Sister Martha Carmody, OP, Sister Mary Brendan Gibbons, OP, and Sister Mary Clare Fichtner, OP share the answer. Our own Sister Kelly shares her inspiring words about sisters and spirituality. Topic: What is the […]

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Artists and Friends in St. Dominic’s Family

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | March 8, 2018

In 2016, during a jubilee year commemorating 800 years since the founding of the Order of Preachers, the Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of Mary the Queen presented the Springfield Dominican Sisters with the gift of a sculpture of St. Dominic. It was a beautiful and appreciated expression of the nuns’ gratitude for the relationship that had grown between our two Dominican congregations since the nuns’ relocation of their monastery to our grounds in September 2014. Sculpted by […]

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Register Now for 2018 Faith Camp

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | March 2, 2018

July 8-10, 2018 at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill. Springfield, Ill.—Registration is now open for the 2018 Dominican Sisters Faith Camp. The popular event has been a meaningful part of girls’ summer adventures for more than a decade. Early registration is advised; participation is limited to 25 campers.   Girls starting grades 6 through 9 in the fall are welcome. They’ll enjoy crafts, games, and interaction with the sisters in a safe, welcoming, Catholic environment. The girls will […]

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Have you thought about a social media fast for Lent?

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | February 14, 2018

There has been some serious conversation about social media among Dominican sisters lately. Should we, or shouldn’t we, shut down our congregational social media accounts for Lent? Ultimately, we’ve decided to keep these channels for communication open, the critical argument being that ceding our place in the media sphere, as modest as it is, would mean our voice for kindness and justice might be filled by a less discriminating replacement. Cutting Back for Lent You will see fewer […]

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Honduras: “Your people will be my people.”

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | February 14, 2018

Witness and Solidarity: Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy in Honduras The days surrounding the unconstitutional re-inauguration of Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernandez last month were fraught with danger for anyone who spoke out against the regime or dared to oppose his election. Because of this, religious leaders in the country asked for an interfaith delegation to stand beside them. Our Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy was among those who participated in the 50-person delegation, January 24-30, 2018. This was not Sister Kathlyn’s […]

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