Mark Quinn:
“I owe my faith to the sisters”
Mark and Sue Quinn value the witness of the sisters who’ve blessed their lives. For Mark, a teacher of business and finance in the Chicago suburbs, that includes his teachers at St. Walter Parish on Chicago’s south side: Sister Aloysius (Sister Mary Ann Droste) and Sister Monica Finnegan—and Sister Aniceta Skube, whom he met in adulthood at Ss. Peter & Paul in Naperville. His gratitude to the Springfield Dominicans is perpetual. “They taught me to read, to use […]
Read MoreFifth Sunday of Lent
Download the PDF. Goal 5 – Gender Equality Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Summary: They were ready to stone the woman to death—but not her partner in the act. Discrimination and violence against women—both physical and structural—continues to be all too common in our world. May we hear and heed the call this Lent to empower women, knowing that is one of the surest paths to the common good and a flourishing society. Reflection question: What […]
Read MoreSister Margaret Joanne Grueter, OP
Sister Margaret Joanne’s Services Visitation: 4:00 p.m.-6:15 p.m., Thursday, April 4, 2019, Aquinas Center, Sacred Heart Convent, 1237 W. Monroe St. in Springfield. Visitation begins with a prayer service. Funeral Mass: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 4, 2019, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Father Peter Witchousky, OP, and Father Clinton Honkomp, OP, celebrants. Morning Prayer, Remembering, and Final Commendation: 10:30 a.m., Friday, April 5, 2019, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel. Burial follows, Roselawn Memorial Park. With sadness, we share the news […]
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Bearers of the Flame:
Monthly Donors Join Sisters
for Sunday Celebration
Springfield, Ill.—Sunday March 31 was the day the Dominican Sisters of Springfield welcomed members of their monthly donor club, dubbed “Bearers of the Flame,” to join them for Sunday Mass and brunch at Sacred Heart Convent. About 15 individuals and families joined in the celebration, including Mark and Sue Quinn from Naperville, Ill., and Alyssa and Greg Regan and their boys, Gregory and Joshua, who live in Springfield. Sister Kathleen Anne Tait, director of the mission advancement office […]
Read MoreFourth Sunday of Lent Part Two
Download the PDF. This is part two. Go to part one. Goal 13 – Climate Action Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Summary: The year 2017 was one of the three warmest on record and was 1.1 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial period. The world continues to experience rising sea levels, extreme weather conditions and increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases. This calls for urgent and accelerated action by countries. Reflection question: What kind of […]
Read MoreFourth Sunday of Lent Part One
Download the PDF. This is part one. Go to part two. Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Summary: “Prodigal” is defined as “spending money or resources freely and recklessly, wastefully extravagant.” All too often we are prodigal in our use of water and other gifts of Earth—to the point of affecting the health and well-being of our planet and its climate. May we have the courage […]
Read MoreNational Catholic Sisters Week Events Generate Joy
Teenage boys, eight-year-olds, and 30-somethings all enjoyed interacting with Springfield Dominican Sisters during their first year of participation in major National Catholic Sisters Week Events. Catholic Sisters Week began in 2015 as a part of National Women’s History Month. It is now an official component of Women’s History Month. It was authorized by Molly Murphy MacGregor, co-founder of National Women’s History Project, who was educated and deeply influenced by Catholic sisters. In 1981, Women’s History Month launched as […]
Read MoreWill the Gardener do as She’s Promised?
It’s balm for my soul to feast on today’s scripture texts, though in many Catholic parishes the readings will not be these. (They are different if the parish is preparing to receive candidates into full communion with the church at the Easter Vigil.) To follow along, find Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15 and Luke 13:1-9. Lately I’m attuned to the tragic. My outlook seems in sync with that bumper sticker: “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” In the […]
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