Join Us in the Struggle against Human Trafficking
July 30 is World Anti-trafficking Day. Please join us in asking Attorney General William Barr to fund and enforce the 2008 Protect our Children Act. Dominican Sisters of Springfield are members of a powerful advocacy and education organization called U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking. Through this organization we have learned, educated others, and most importantly advocated for legislative and social change to put an end to many different trafficking concerns, from child sex trafficking to slave labor […]
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Coping with COVID:
Marian Catholic Makes Smooth Transition to E-Learning
“It’s like Steve had been preparing us for this moment for five years.” Springfield Dominican Sister Jean Patrice Schingel was talking about Steve Tortorello, principal of Marian Catholic High School. “This moment” was the school’s swift and effective pivot to online learning for more than 900 students because of the coronavirus pandemic last March. “Because the teachers have been using technology for classroom teaching all along, the transition to e-learning for students and teachers at Marian was smoother […]
Read MoreSister M. Diana Doyle, OP
Sister Diana’s Services Private burial at Calvary Cemetery, Wednesday, July 22. A memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date. In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704. The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister M. Diana are served by Butler Funeral Homes. Springfield Dominican Sister M. Diana Doyle, OP, died July 19, 2020, at Sacred Heart Convent, […]
Read More“On The Street Where We Lived”
July 7, 2020 Dear Sisters and all, I just read about Sister Maria’s going home to the Lord and I wanted to respond in person. I attempted to do this earlier this morning, but with little success via my iPhone. So, I am trying again! I was surely grateful to be have been with all of you earlier this year, and even more grateful to have had a chance to visit, at that time, with Sister Maria, a […]
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SHG Graduate Calls
Black Life a Pro-Life Matter
Calls for Church to Work Toward Racial Justice Loralean Jordan (SHA ’87) was raised in Springfield, Ill., on the fine parenting of Leroy and Johnetta Jordan and 12 years of Dominican education. She is firm in her Catholic faith and in her belief that it’s time for the institutional church to dedicate its zeal and resources to dismantling racism. It’s a pro-life issue, the Sacred Heart-Griffin graduate told AP reporter David Crary for a story that ran June […]
Read MoreSister Maria Eck, OP
Sister Maria’s Services Private burial at Calvary Cemetery, 10 a.m., Tuesday, July 7. A memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Convent at a later date. In lieu of flowers or visits, donations may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704.The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister Maria are served by Butler Funeral Homes. Springfield Dominican Sister Maria Eck, OP, died July 2, 2020, at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, […]
Read MoreCOVID-19 and Giving to the Dominican Sisters
COVID-19 Stimulus Package / CARES Act CARES Act for Nonprofits – Friday, March 27, the Congress passed and the President signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2 trillion economic stimulus package legislated to provide immediate relief for nonprofits like the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill. Overview New Deduction Available: Up to $300 per taxpayer ($600 for a married couple) in annual charitable contributions. This is available only to people who take […]
Read MoreJuly 4: Interdependence Day
What if we declared July 4th Interdependence Day? You think you know how our founding declaration begins? “When in the course of human events…” Turns out, that’s not strictly true. The original document, housed now in pride of place at the National Archives, begins like this: “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America…” After that comes the part you memorized in school. Before independence could be declared, a unanimous recognition of the interdependence was invoked. […]
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