What Difference does Discipleship Make?
Associate Candidates Make Retreat
A journey is soon coming to an end! Twelve candidates for the Springfield Dominican Associate program who have been attending monthly formation sessions since September 2020 participated in a day of retreat on Saturday, April 10th and are now just weeks away from their commitment ceremony. The theme of the retreat was discipleship. Candidates and their sponsors were invited to consider the question “What difference does it really make that I am a disciple of Jesus?” They were […]
Read MoreNew Book about Immigrants Highlights Dominican Literacy Centers
Purchase “We Are Eagles” Be inspired Watch the book launch to hear first-hand from some of the women their inspiring stories Buy the book A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will support the Dominican Literacy Center. It makes a great gift for anyone, but especially for the women in your life who, like the women in the stories Anna Marie shares, have take bold steps to improve their lives. Purchase the Book Now […]
Read MoreAn Easter Message from Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP
Dear Friends, Do we believe this? Might we trust that even amidst suffering and hardship, Christ “lives and reigns for ever and ever?” Will we accept the Spirit’s grace to recognize and embrace Christ within and all around us? Let us pray for one another as we welcome the glory of our God infused in every crevasse of creation and expressed in our songs of praise. May you and your family be blessed as you celebrate this Easter […]
Read MoreSister Catherine Mary Currie Honored by Alma Mater
Sister Catherine Mary Currie returned to her alma mater 36 years after graduation and has now been honored for her 14 years of service at the school. Her Rosary High School classmate Debbie Grommes Olson nominated Sister Catherine Mary for the Dominican Alumnae Spirit Award, given in recognition of Sister Catherine Mary’s service to Rosary, from which she graduated in 1970. “She helps set up events, cleans up, attends Rosary events, including sports events,” the nomination read. “Everywhere […]
Read MoreSixth Week of Lent: Palm Sunday 2021
“Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself…becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” – Philippians 2: 6, 8 In this last week of Lent we reflect on the readings for the Passion, read on Palm Sunday, this time from the Gospel of Mark. We hear the stories of the Last Supper, of Jesus’ agony and betrayal, […]
Read MoreSister Mila Diaz Awarded Doctorate with High Honors
Springfield Dominican Sister Mila Díaz Solano successfully defended her dissertation and was subsequently awarded a Doctorate in Sacred Scripture, summa cum laude, from the French School of Biblical and Archeological Research, Jerusalem. Her defense took place March 24 via video conference from Springfield with examiners located at the school in Jerusalem, a prestigious 125-year old institute sponsored by the French province of Dominican Friars. “It has been a long journey that was accomplished with the support and prayers […]
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