
General Assembly: (Almost) Everyone under One Roof

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | July 6, 2021

For a delightful change of pace, nearly all Springfield Dominican Sisters were home for our annual summer gathering in June, a meeting that provides time to think and talk together about our mission and enjoy one another’s company. Last year, because of the pandemic our gathering was virtual, with no one home but the sisters who already live at the motherhouse. There were a number of people missing, this year, too, including our sisters from Peru, where the […]

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Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma smiling

Springfield Dominican Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma is President-Elect of LCWR

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | June 29, 2021

Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP, prioress general of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, is the president-elect of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) for a 3-year term that begins in August 2021. LCWR members voted online June 5 to June 26; the results of the election were announced June 28. The LCWR presidency is a three-person team of Catholic sisters which includes the president, president-elect, and past president who collaborate to lead the conference. Sister Rebecca Ann […]

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Sister Mary Frances Gorman, OP

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | June 21, 2021

Sister Mary Fran’s Services Visitation: 4:00-5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 24, 2021, Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL 62704. Visitation begins with a prayer service. Funeral Mass: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 24; Sacred Heart Convent Chapel, Dominican Father Michael DeTemple, celebrant. Burial: Calvary Cemetery, 10 a.m., Friday, June 25. Live-streamed on Facebook at @springfieldop Memorials to honor the memory of Sister Mary Fran may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe […]

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Juneteenth: Celebrating Authentically

How To Celebrate Juneteenth

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | June 15, 2021

This annual celebration of the day in 1865 when news of the Emancipation Proclamation and the end of the Civil War finally reached Texas has come to the consciousness of more people as we continue to confront racism and racial violence in our nation, but the celebration is not new.  African Americans have celebrated Juneteenth since 1866. Perhaps you’d like to join in the celebration this year. Here are some options to consider:  Learn Read up on the […]

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Serena Johnson

Marian Catholic High School Holds First-Ever Fine Arts Signing Day

By Website Administrator | June 3, 2021

Marian Catholic High School celebrated five seniors in the Fine Arts Department during the school’s first-ever Fine Arts Signing Day on Tuesday, May 11. These students will be continuing their careers in band at the collegiate level. “We were so happy to offer the opportunity to have an official ‘signing day’ for some of our band students who are receiving scholarships to continue their playing in college,” said Director of Bands Greg Bimm. “Every year, there are a […]

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Reality through Another’s Eyes: Poems for Peacemaking

By Website Administrator | May 31, 2021

Sister Patricia lives at Sacred Heart Convent and participated in Sister Mila’s course on the prophets. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Poems For Peacemaking This poem is an expression of the deep-felt remorse and enduring grief of Breonna Taylor’s sister as seen through the eyes of Sister Patricia Stark, OP. Lament for Breonna Taylor, My Beloved Sister How do I find meaning? Find justice in the sudden, violent, senseless death of my dear sister, Breonna? Her ex-boyfriend, Marcus, already apprehended! What cause […]

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US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking

How Catholic Sisters Help Survivors Thrive!

By Website Administrator | May 28, 2021

Human trafficking is a $150 billion business. As a member of Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield are part of a global network working to end this dehumanizing criminal enterprise. In this webinar you will hear from Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy, a Springfield Dominican Sister and director of Bethany House, a Chicago shelter for young women and children who are in the process of seeking asylum. Many of them are survivors of trafficking. You will […]

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A Bridge to Friendship

By Sister Beth Murphy, OP | May 27, 2021

Like Kara and the Lim family, music is a bridge that unites Mike and Karen Beckmann to their faith, to the praying community to which they belong, and to Sister Francis Mary. Mike arrived in Springfield in 1997 to begin work in the pathology group at Memorial Medical Center. Because some of his colleagues and their families worshiped at St. Agnes, he joined the parish. Karen joined him later after finishing her studies to become a physician assistant […]

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