Certified in Permaculture Design
Sisters Kristin Crawford and Sharon Zayac received their certification in permaculture design through Midwest Permaculture, located in Stelle, Ill. They completed a 72-hour online course, which included project work. The project is a permaculture design for an area at Jubilee Farm where they are creating a “permagarden.”
Read MoreTutors, students sought for new Dominican Literacy Center
Individualized classes offered for women at any learning level Tutor training November 14 and 18 Springfield, Ill.-Women who want to learn English have a new opportunity to do so through a program offered by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield. “Our first cohort of learners is already in place,” said Sister Katherine O’Connor, OP. “Now we are ready to welcome a new group of volunteer tutors and students to start the next learning session in January 2025.” There are […]
Read More“Springfield Sisters’ Armchair Tour” celebrates Sisters’ impact
Sara Wojcicki Jimenez emcees November 7 event Springfield, Ill.- The Springfield Sisters’ Armchair Tour arrives in town on Thursday, Nov. 7 and the public is invited. This unique event, including storytelling and inspiring conversation, is a collaboration among the Ursuline, Franciscan, and Dominican Sisters, who have been transforming generations in Springfield since the arrival of the Ursuline Sisters 167 years ago, in 1857. “My whole life I’ve been a witness to the kindness, mission, and commitment of the Ursuline, […]
Read MoreSister Ann shares her love of teaching children
Sister Ann Brummel has loved Catholic education her entire life. After serving in many roles at St. Peter Catholic School and Rosary High School, in Aurora, Ill., she knew the time had come to step away from leadership roles to do something different. “I said when the time came, I wanted to either be an usher for the Chicago Cubs or teach preschool. Since I didn’t get the usher position, I get to see the future by teaching […]
Read MoreDominican Sisters Social Media preaches the Gospel
Dominicans are called to preach the Gospel in every possible way! Today we highlight the power of social media and the impact it can make. Wishing Happy Birthday to a sister observing a milestone Our own Sister Elise celebrated a special birthday in June of this year when she turned 107! We shared this news on our social media outlets and readers responded. This post received more than 1,900 likes and loves and more than 1,000 comments with almost 400 shares. These numbers demonstrate […]
Read MoreDonor Report tells inspiring stories
First and foremost, the Annual Donor Report is the way we are accountable to our donors and express our thanks for their partnership in the mission God has given us. The report is also filled with inspiring stories about the impact of donors’ generous gifts. If you’ve missed it, you might want to check out this story from the 2023 donor report about the parish ministries of Sisters Lori Kirchman and Margaret Schreiber who inspire and support the […]
Read MoreAdvent Adoration Registration
Join us for Advent adoration Advent adoration For Dec. 13, 2024 event Name First Last Email Want more information? Please keep me in the loop about other activities. 51332
Read MoreSave the Date! Springfield Catholic Sisters Armchair Tour is November 7
Three groups of Catholic Sisters plan a special event for Springfield, Ill. The Springfield Sisters Armchair Tour is a gift to the city from the Ursulines, Franciscans, and Dominican Sisters who began transforming lives in the city in 1857. Global pioneers The Ursuline Sisters established what would become Ursuline Academy three weeks after a handful of sisters arrived in Springfield from Ireland in 1857, and later opened the first institution of higher learning in the Springfield area. They […]
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