


End the Violence, Change the Systems, Transform Ourselves: A Pledge in the aftermath of the Mass Shooting in Colorado Springs

By Website Administrator | November 23, 2022

Springfield, Ill.—In the aftermath of the mass shooting in Colorado Springs on November 19, the elected leadership of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield today reaffirmed their opposition to exclusion and violence and pledged to work together with members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious to halt the cycle of violence and initiate a path toward right relationship “particularly with those impacted by the misuse of power.” “We join our sisters in LCWR to ‘work toward a world […]

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Happy Thanksgiving from Your Dominican Sisters

By Website Administrator | November 18, 2022

“And now, bless the the God of all, who has done wondrous things on earth; Who fosters people’s growth from their mother’s womb, and fashions them according to God’s will! May God grant you joy of heart and may peace abide among you; May God’s goodness toward us endure” Sirach 50:22-24 Dear Friend, This is one of many possible scriptures in the lectionary for our celebration of Thanksgiving Day. I couldn’t do any better than to wish for […]

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Sister Ann Elizabeth Little receives Service Award

By Website Administrator | November 14, 2022

Springfield Dominican Sister Ann Elizabeth Little, a chaplain at St. Dominic Hospital in Jackson, Miss., was among St. Dominic’s employees honored recently with the Franciscan Service Award. Since the Franciscan Service Award was introduced at St. Dominic’s, 17 individuals have been awarded this honor, the highest offered in the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System. Sister Ann Elizabeth and five other honorees were able to be present for the recognition ceremony. Scott Kashman, president and CEO of […]

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Former educator now feeds the hungry

By Website Administrator | November 9, 2022

Springfield Dominican Sister Katrina Lamkin knew at a young age she wanted to serve as a sister. “A friend and I shared the same idea that we wanted to be sisters. I remember begging my parents to let me go to Sacred Heart Academy to continue my catholic education. It was during my senior year that I made the decision to follow God’s call after graduation,” said Sister Katrina. Once in the community, Sister Katrina earned a degree […]

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Thank You to Sister Katherine O’Connor, completing her years of service at SHG

By Website Administrator | November 3, 2022

Dominican Sister Katherine O’Connor, OP, announced this week she will step down from her role as president of Sacred Heart-Griffin High School at the end of the 2022-2023 school year. She will leave her post in June, bringing an end to a nearly two-decade career as a leader in Catholic Dominican secondary education in Springfield. In an announcement to faculty, staff, board of directors, and families of SHG she shared, “My heart is filled with love and gratitude […]

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Elizabeth Garnier-Little, right, with her sister Wanda Garnier and Sister Barbara Ann Bogenschutz, OP, at Our Lady of the Sioux Parish, Oglala, S.D., in 2017

Oglala Update: News from Sister Barbara Ann

By Website Administrator | October 31, 2022

As she periodically does, Sister Barbara Ann Bogenschutz shares news about life at Our Lady of the Sioux Church in Oglala, South Dakota, where she is Parish Life Coordinator, through a newsletter to her friends and supporters. At the top of her list most recently was news of an unexpected message from Pope Francis, who in July encouraged the Lakota Catholics to live their faith while preserving their culture. The pope sent his welcome greeting with Father Arturo […]

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Seeing the Work of the Spirit: East St. Louis and Peru

By Sister Rose Miriam Schulte, OP | October 18, 2022

By Sister Rose Miriam Schulte, OP In our Prayer for the Life of the World, we daily ask that our hearts might be freed “to recognize and attend to Christ in hidden and unexpected places.” Some of these hidden places are lodged in our congregational past. Not unlike any organic process, a congregation’s earlier plantings of heirloom seeds can burst forth in today’s fruits and tomorrow’s hopes. Such plantings appear serendipitous. Reflection lays bare the work of the […]

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Finding Christ in Unexpected Places

By Website Administrator | October 13, 2022

By Cynthia Callan Three years ago, my husband and I began walking at the park before work. At that time, I did not realize the many graces which would be received each day. The graces received went beyond the natural landscape and changing seasons; it also included the faces of God in the people I met. When passing someone, we shared greetings; eventually learning names of some we met. Now our park friends add joy to the start […]

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