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We do a great job together

Sister Stella continues her studies in pastoral ministry as she works alongside Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy to welcome and support women in the legal asylum process. Listen as Sister Stella tells us how Bethany House offers support services to young immigrant women. https://springfieldop.org/wp-content/uploads/Spring-Appeal-2023-SSA.mp4 Learn more about their work, or make a gift in support of this […]

We do a great job together Read More »

Dominican Sisters Celebrate 150 years with the people of Jacksonville

Whether intentionally or not, the opening hymn chosen for Mass at Our Saviour Parish, Jacksonville, Ill., on April 22—a day for celebrating 150 years of the Springfield Dominican Sisters’ mission—was the same one sung 25 years ago when the sisters and the parish celebrated the 125th anniversary of the Dominican Sisters’ founding.  “River of glory,

Dominican Sisters Celebrate 150 years with the people of Jacksonville Read More »

You make it possible

This is Sister Kathlyn’s dream job, she told a friend. “This” being her role as executive director of Bethany House, a collaborative ministry of women religious in Illinois to welcome young women and children legally seeking asylum in the U.S. Listen as Sister Kathlyn shares her mission. https://springfieldop.org/wp-content/uploads/Spring-Appeal-2023-SKM.mp4 You can learn more about the ministry

You make it possible Read More »

A Gift of Wonder: Discovering the “worth of each thing”

By Sister Suzanne Donner, OP  “Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature (creation).” Pope Francis—Laudato Si’  What a gift it has been to work in the gardens at Jubilee Farm for the past 18 years! My

A Gift of Wonder: Discovering the “worth of each thing” Read More »

Dominican Sisters 2022 Annual Report

The Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois 2022 annual report has been added to our website. The Dominican Sisters have been busy working diligently to make a difference in the lives of those we serve across our missions. Click here to view the annual report. Sister Margaret McCormick, left, and Sister Ancilla Caulfield enjoy a favorite

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St. Malachy Parishioners Show up for Retreat

Sister Denise Glazik, OP, director of the Springfield Dominican vocation office,  organized a Busy Persons Retreat for parishioners at St. Malachy Parish, Rantoul, Ill., and they showed up! About 40 persons participated. The Dominican Sisters are very familiar with the people of St. Malachy, having served there for more than 100 of our 150 years

St. Malachy Parishioners Show up for Retreat Read More »

Sister Linda Hayes knitting and weaving projects help others

Dominican Sister Linda Hayes likes to count. She has always been a numbers person and has incorporated her love of numbers by creating blankets and hats for others.  The craft she learned as a child continues to offer comfort to others in times of need. “I have weaved, crocheted and knitted for a long time

Sister Linda Hayes knitting and weaving projects help others Read More »

Springfield Dominicans participate in the North American Continental Synod

 “Faith-filled and Resilient” Sister Mila Díaz Solano and Michele Sisson-White, in a letter to Springfield Dominican sisters and associates, said they were grateful to represent the community as participants in a process to prepare a document for the North American Continental Phase of the global synod of the Catholic Church.   “We are grateful for the

Springfield Dominicans participate in the North American Continental Synod Read More »

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