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Sister Patty: Bringing the Periphery to the Center

This is the first in a series of Stories of Hope for the Easter Season prepared by the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation committee of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield (JPIC). Every story demonstrates a success in meeting one or more of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development  Goals (SDGs) and provides a glimpse into

Sister Patty: Bringing the Periphery to the Center Read More »

Stand Up Sisters! Holy Week
from Sacred Heart Convent

In the midst of quarantine, the Sisters who reside at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill., took responsibility for preaching during Holy Week. Here are the words of the preachers. Easter Sunday: Sister Judith Hilbing, OP Preaching on the Gospel of John, chapter 20. We know this Resurrection Story. We know about “that” Day and the

Stand Up Sisters! Holy Week
from Sacred Heart Convent
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Workplace Values Captured in a T-shirt at Sacred Heart Convent

Coworkers elected from their respective departments met at the Cor Unum House to work on the final T-shirt design the first week of February. After a couple of hours, a true collaborative result emerged. Co-workers come together at the Cor Unum House to design the new t-shirt. A hallmark of effective workplaces is the demonstrated

Workplace Values Captured in a T-shirt at Sacred Heart Convent Read More »

COVID—19 Coronavirus Statement from the Master of the Dominican Order

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid? For God will hide me in his shelter in time of trouble, He will conceal me in the cover of his tent. Psalm 27:1,5 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Dominican

COVID—19 Coronavirus Statement from the Master of the Dominican Order Read More »

Coronavirus Precautions at
Sacred Heart Convent

List of cancellations at Sacred Heart Convent updated May 6, 2020. An update from the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois: In keeping with the directives of the State of Illinois Sacred Heart Convent is remaining on lock down protocol through May 31. To increase the likelihood our senior sisters will remain clear of the virus: No

Coronavirus Precautions at
Sacred Heart Convent
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