
Sister Marcelline Koch, OP

Sister Marclline

Three Things You Can Do to Help People in Detention on the U.S.-Mexico Border

Every day we learn more about the appalling conditions facing children, women, and men in detention centers along our southern border. The situation is unconscionable. If you are like me, you might feel overwhelmed and paralyzed by the images of children and adults housed in overcrowded filthy conditions, conditions that fail to respect their dignity

Three Things You Can Do to Help People in Detention on the U.S.-Mexico Border Read More »

How to Avoid the Paralysis Trap:
What to do when you think
You can’t do anything

This is one of life’s challenges: When we realize the magnitude of danger facing humanity and Earth because of climate change, it seems sensible to hide under the covers rather than get out of bed. When we notice our values and freedoms being eroded everyday by people who purport to protect them, it is easiest

How to Avoid the Paralysis Trap:
What to do when you think
You can’t do anything
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