
Sister Beth Murphy, OP

Sister Beth Murphy is the Communication Director for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.

Sister Elizabeth Murphy

"By a Strange Coincidence…" a memory of Sister Rachel Conway

Today is the day we Springfield, Ill., residents get to take special pride in our association with our most famous and beloved resident, Abraham Lincoln. Today is the 210th anniversary of the 16th President’s birth. We Springfield Dominicans like to claim a special link to Mr. Lincoln, but until today, after 35+years in the community,

"By a Strange Coincidence…" a memory of Sister Rachel Conway Read More »

Dominicans Join Call for Just Budget in Illinois

Springfield Dominican Sisters Marcelline Koch and Beth Murphy were among the crowd at the Illinois Statehouse today, calling for new revenue for a just budget that preserves funding for social services that are critical for the well-being of Illinois citizens who need everything from skilled care to legal assistance, child care to a college education.

Dominicans Join Call for Just Budget in Illinois Read More »

Mayor Declares Dominican Anti-Racism Team Awareness Day

Saturday June 20 was our gala concert in celebration of ten years of anti-racism work. Mayor James Langfelder was on hand to present us with a proclamation recognizing our efforts. He declared “Springfield Dominican Anti-Racism Team Awareness Day” at the close of the concert, which featured choral music and other performances by representatives of seven

Mayor Declares Dominican Anti-Racism Team Awareness Day Read More »

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