
Sister Beth Murphy, OP

Sister Beth Murphy is the Communication Director for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.

Sister Elizabeth Murphy

Dominican Sisters Sign Court Brief in Support of Clean Power Plan

The Dominican Sisters of Springfield were one of thirty U.S. Catholic groups to sign an amicus brief in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, designed to reduce carbon pollution by 32 percent below 2005 levels and make sure that America continues to scrub carbon emissions from our energy usage for a cleaner […]

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Sister Marcelline Koch's WGLT Radio Interview about Genocide in Iraq

Springfield Dominican Sister Marcelline Koch was interviewed this week by Judy Valente of WGLT, the public radio station in Normal, Ill., for an update on conditions facing our the Iraqi Dominican family. On March 17 Secretary of State John Kerry declared the situation for Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria is genocide.

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Vince Krydynski: First Lay President of Marian Catholic High School

Springfield, Ill.—The Dominican Sisters of Springfield Illinois are pleased to announce that Mr. Vince Krydynski will become the first lay president of Marian Catholic High School, Chicago Heights, Ill. Since 2013 Mr. Krydynski has been the Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Marian Catholic. He is a 1981 graduate of the school and a former

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Kerry Calls ISIS' Attack on Christians "Genocide"

Kerry’s Acknowledgement of ISIS’ Genocide Gives “Moral Weight” To Dominicans’ Call for Protection of Iraq’s Minorities, Expansion of Refugee Programs A Dominican justice group today recognized the value of Secretary of State John Kerry’s statement this morning that the radical group controlling much of Iraq is “Genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology and by actions, in

Kerry Calls ISIS' Attack on Christians "Genocide" Read More »

Springfield Dominican Sisters Recommend Prayer with Your Ballot

Would you like some prayer with that ballot? You are invited to spend a few moments with God before you go into the voting booth. Today we are releasing Take it to Prayer: A Spiritual Reflection for Voters. The brief guide is meant to help busy people prepare themselves spiritually before they vote. “Voting is

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"By a Strange Coincidence…" a memory of Sister Rachel Conway

Today is the day we Springfield, Ill., residents get to take special pride in our association with our most famous and beloved resident, Abraham Lincoln. Today is the 210th anniversary of the 16th President’s birth. We Springfield Dominicans like to claim a special link to Mr. Lincoln, but until today, after 35+years in the community,

"By a Strange Coincidence…" a memory of Sister Rachel Conway Read More »

Dominicans Join Call for Just Budget in Illinois

Springfield Dominican Sisters Marcelline Koch and Beth Murphy were among the crowd at the Illinois Statehouse today, calling for new revenue for a just budget that preserves funding for social services that are critical for the well-being of Illinois citizens who need everything from skilled care to legal assistance, child care to a college education.

Dominicans Join Call for Just Budget in Illinois Read More »

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