By Sister Catherine Stewart, OP
Throughout our lives, we have multiple experiences of endings and beginnings. We are reminded of this as we daily enjoy sunrises and sunsets. When a new opportunity presents itself, we pause and ask “Am I ready for a new experience?” Most of us, “Just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings” (Attributed to Meister Eckhart).
New Beginnings
When we decide that we are ready for the new beginning, we find the goodbyes are filled with gratitude for the many gifts we received from the ministry, relationship, or volunteer experience we have outgrown. We hold our grief lightly as we look forward with energy and enthusiasm to the new opportunity that presented itself. Many times, we have the support of our colleagues as we attend a goodbye reception or a welcome reception. This support encourages us to continue on the new path.
There is a deeper openness within us, as we begin the journey that is unfolding as we take the first step. We begin to notice small shifts in our thinking about our new position. We easily visualize how we will interact with new colleagues or how our new spiritual growth will impact others or how new personal gifts are used. We begin to process how past experiences prepared us for this new experience; this reflection often gives us the courage to take the new step. Often, we share this time of discernment with a spiritual director or a very close friend as s/he knows us well and helps us grasp both the subjective and objective perspectives. Once we are comfortable in our decision to accept the new opportunity, we begin to make flexible plans as to how we will make the transition.
Beginner’s Mind
We also embrace “A beginner’s mind;” we don’t want to bring our old expectations, our old ways of doing things to our new position or to the new part of us that is growing and developing. We are eager to embrace a new challenge and look forward to establishing new relationships and new routines as we adapt to the new position. Curiosity and asking for help from new colleagues, friends and family members become our new best gifts.
Throughout this transition there are a myriad of different feelings. We’re excited, scared, happy, sad. We acknowledge each of those feelings as we continue to move forward. At times, we hit the “pause” button and take a deep breath and rest in a God who walks with us throughout the transitions.
In Ecclesiastes, we read “There is a season for everything;” life is cyclical. The seasons of our lives are filled with endings, beginnings and middles. No matter where we are in the process, God is there with us in either the neatness or the messiness of the moment as together we navigate the changes that fill our days, our weeks, our months and our years.
Springfield Dominican Sister Catherine Stewart is the principal of St. Boniface School, Evansville, Ind., and a certified spiritual director.