Please join us in prayer!
Each month, we'll post a prayer written by our sisters for use on the 19th (Because it was August 19, 1873 when our mission For the Life of the World began in Jacksonville, Ill.) Each prayer focuses on a unique expression of our preaching ministry. You are invited to print it out, pray it with us, and share it with others. Thank you for joining us in prayer!
August 22
Prayer for our Dominican Pioneer
Sisters General and local leadership
September 22
Educational ministries, diocesan offices,
outreach to young adults
October 22
Our mission in Peru
November 22
Our families, associates, coworkers,
boards and benefactors
December 22
Migrants, immigrants, indigenous Americans, SDART and other ministries in Springfield; outreach to people in other lands.
January 23
Our hospitals, TB center, chaplaincies,
and healthcare ministry in every form
February 23
Parish life coordinators, canon
lawyers, retreat and spiritual
direction ministries, CCD centers, counseling
March 23
Orphanages and day care centers, elder care,
care for unwed mothers, prison ministry
April 23
Jubilee Farm, synodal outreach,
Laudato Si' Action Platform,
Dominican collaboration, LCWR
May 23
Literacy centers, ministry with the deaf
June 23
Literacy centers, ministry with the deaf
July 23
Musicians, artists, writers,
and creative ministries
August 23
Closing Mass & celebration
Greetings, I am Sr Jacinta Kariuki from Kenya. I am aged 45yrs and willing to join you. Is it possible to transfer to your congregation?