
2024 General Chapter Direction Statement


We, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, guided by the Holy Spirit, join with others to reimagine a future of promise and hope. 

Rooted in our prayer for the life of the world, and in our care for our common home, we are strengthened by our Associates and partners-in-mission to walk together into a future of authentic intercultural living. Trusting in the transformation already at work within us, we step into the challenges, riches, and grace of the unknown.

Together, we will strengthen relationships within our congregation. 

Together, we will invite, welcome, and support new members to our congregation and to Dominican life. 

Together, we will build relationships with those of other cultures, through study, engagement and interaction. 

We take the next steps into our congregational future, grounded in the freedom offered in our Constitutions. We are energized by participating in the emerging movements of governance within the Dominican family.

Together, we will engage in ongoing conversation and communal study in our effort to move toward a collaborative form of governance. 

Together, we will embrace individual and shared responsibility for participative Dominican governance.  

Compelled by our passion for mission, we respond, in Christ, for the life of the world. 


Affirmed by the General Chapter, April 5, 2024, Springfield, Illinois

5 thoughts on “2024 General Chapter Direction Statement”

  1. Celeste Botello, O.P.

    Congratulations, Sisters M. Paul, Joanne, Elyse Marie, and Kathlyn. Sending you the promise of prayer as you begin this journey of Congregational Leadership.
    Celeste Botello, O.P. Mission San Jose Dominicans

  2. Anne Lythgoe, OP

    Let me add my congratulations and prayers for you all: Sisters M. Paul, Joanne, Elyse Marie, and Kathlyn. Your commitment statements are inspiring and May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you and fill you with courage and hope.

  3. Anne Lythgoe, OP

    Let me add my congratulations and prayers for you all: Srs. M. Paul, Joanne, Elyse Marie, and Kathlyn. Your commitment statements are inspiring and May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you and fill you with courage and hope.

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