
Your Generosity Provides Enough

What do you think is the total number of years of consecrated life lived by the sisters receiving skilled nursing care at Sacred Heart Convent today?
Hint: There are 16 sisters currently receiving skilled nursing care.

Out of curiosity, what do you think is the total number of years of consecrated life lived by the sisters in need of skilled nursing care who live at Sacred Heart Convent today? Right now, that’s sixteen sisters. Any guesses? (Okay, we’ll tell you: 1,029 years of consecrate life!)

Together they’ve lived, ministered, prayed, supported and encouraged others for more years than the Order of Preachers has existed!


Thank you!

Through this Christmas appeal your generosity enables us to honor with dignified care these sisters whose decades of selfless ministry have undoubtedly touched every corner of Earth by now. Your generosity enables the skilled nursing care these sisters need and the provides support to dozens more who live more independently at Sacred Heart Convent. For all of them your kindness and self-sacrifice provide:

  • Round-the-clock skilled nursing care for our frailest sisters
  • A secure, loving home for sisters with dementia
  • Access to effective nursing care for our sisters who live more independently
  • A part-time nutritionist whose guidance has improved our ability to meet dietary requirements for all at Sacred Heart Convent
  • Caring nurses and nurse assistants who participate in our mission of care for our sisters
  • The material requirements for dignified care that is safe for our sisters and nursing staff

We need your partnership

We can’t thank you enough. Sister Rosemary McGuire expressed it well when she said in her message to you that just as the success of God’s mission depended on the care of St. Joseph for the infant Jesus, the success of our mission (which is also God’s mission) depends on you. “People don’t always know it but we can’t do it without you,” she said. “I’m convinced our mission will not continue now or in the future without your help.”

If you’ve already given thank you! If you’ve not yet found the time, you can still make a meaningful gift before year’s end at this secure online giving portal.

Bringing Light

As we near the end of the Christmas season we are grateful for your kindness and generosity. We see on the horizon a feast day especially meaningful for those who have consecrated their lives to God through religious profession. In 1997 Pope John Paull II established World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life on February 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

On that day we read from Luke’s Gospel the story of Mary and Joseph bringing Jesus to the temple and handing him over to two elders, Simeon and Anna, who recognize the infant for what he is: “a light for revelation to the Gentiles and glory for your people Israel.”

Thank you for being keepers of the light, bearers of the light, and believers in the Light! You and we together are like John the Baptist who reminded his followers that he himself was not the light “but came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” John1:8-9

Thank you for your kindness that enables us, together, to testify to the Light of Christ who is coming into the world. Yes, he still comes! Isn’t that the message the world needs to hear most? We are grateful for and humbled by your generosity.

Thank you. May God bless you and those you love throughout the coming year.

This Christmas, we are highlighting a few of our retired sisters. Visit our Good Tidings page to see interviews with Sisters Agnes Ann Pisel, Gabriella Luebbers, and Rosemary McGuire.

There's still time to help spread Good Tidings to our sisters by making a secure, online donation. Just click the button to donate today.

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