
5 thoughts on “We mourn the loss of two Sisters today”

  1. Kelly (Bates) Markham

    I was freshman at Rosary when I met Sr. Dominca in 1965. She was an inspiration to me that will live on for the rest of my life! This woman of Grace graced many of us who spent any time with her at Rosary High School in Aurora. I have my own special memories to cherish.
    Thank you, Jesus, for allowing our paths to cross and for me to benefit so much for knowing her! May she rest in Your Loving Arms until we meet again.

  2. Theresa Hepp Alfredson

    I have only the fondest memories of Sr. Dominica, particularly the April Fool’s prank our Rosary freshman class carried out in her classroom. She was an excellent role model of strength and competence and encouraged us all to strive for success while remaining true to our values. I am fortunate to have been able to catch up with her just a couple of years ago at the Remembrance Mass and know she has earned her eternal rest.

  3. Father Michael Monshau, O.P.

    Grieving and praying for Sister Ann Catherine is certainly going on here in Rome at the Angelicum University ever since news of Sister Ann Catherine’s death reached me (through the kindness of Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart, of the Cloister). Sister Ann Catherine has ranked, as many of you know, among the dearest of my friends ever since we were two of the four Dominicans stationed together at Queen of Peace Retreat House in Fargo, North Dakota, some twenty-five years ago. I called her on the 15th, as was my annual custom, for her birthday, and with the help of Sister Mary Joan we had a very clear and good visit. Little did I expect that would be our farewell conversation. I have offered Mass for Sister since her death in our Angelicum Priory Cloister Chapel, and as I have said, I will continue to grieve and pray with all of you. I believe we risk the serious harm of depriving a soul in Purgatory of the consolation of our Masses, prayers and sacrifices when we tend to “canonize” them in our conversations as soon as we learn that they have died, so let us pray for Sister. But having said that, I’ve found myself thinking that there will probably be only the shortest of intervals, if any, between Sister Ann Catherine’s death and the moment she hears the Father’s words “Well done, good and faithful servant. Come enter into your Father’s Kingdom.” What a blessing it has been to have been a friend of Sister Ann Catherine’s. How I will miss her! Father Michael Monshau, O.P.

  4. Father Michael Monshau, O.P.

    I only discovered this memorial page today and I have the sad task of sending condolences upon the death of a second Springfield Dominican friend in one day.
    The passing of Sister Dominica is the end of a particularly cherished era in Dominican history. I’m sure you’re all aware that during her mandate as Prioress General, she was regarded by many as one of the most important churchwomen in the Country and was also a very great treasure of our Order. She will be missed.

    Shortly after having been assigned to Queen of Peace Retreat House in Fargo, North Dakota, I asked Sister James Marie, who had been my friend for years, if she would enjoy collaborating in the retreat and preaching ministry. She said “yes.” She was in Jerseyville at that time and I think she was looking for a change. Many of us Dominican Fathers were quite aware that Sister Dominica was very eager to establish concrete collaborations between the Springfield Congregation and Dominican friars and so I hoped she would be open to the idea. I remember how pleased she had been only recently at that time to mission Sisters to collaborate with the Southern Dominican Fathers in the high school in Louisiana. This was rather new to many of us, but Sister Dominica offered strong encouragement to those of us who felt called to establish strong ties of collaboration within the Dominican Family, perhaps especially in her second term.

    As a result, and since Sister James Marie expressed openness to it, I invited Sister Dominica to consider missioning Sisters to join us in Fargo. She and Sister James Marie travelled to Fargo to assess the situation, and during their stay, we sustained what has to have been one of the heaviest snowfalls in North Dakota history! I began to worry that Sister Dominica would come to think of the North Dakota winters as too extreme for a Springfield Dominican foundation. When I shared that worry with her, she laughed and said “Oh, don’t worry about that! I love winter! I wish I could be one of the Sisters coming here.”

    Before departing, Sister not only promised Father Hugo and me that Springfield Sisters would come to join us, but she said to me, “I can’t tell you the name yet of the second Sister I have it in mind to mission here, because she hasn’t yet agreed to it. But if the Sister I have in mind does come, we will be sending you a treasure and everyone will love her.” That Sister did agree to come to North Dakota. And Sister Dominica was right; she was a treasure whom everyone loved. Her name was Sister Ann Catherine. What a coincidence that these two phenomenal Dominican Sisters would travel to Eternity at just about the same time. And how I will miss both of them!

    May God grant eternal rest and every blessing to Sister Dominica. How blessed we were to have her in our midst.

  5. I have fond memories of Sister Dominica. She was my 7th grade teacher at St. Bernadette in Evergreen Park. I was able to re-connect when by accident I found that she was serving as the chancellor or the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. I had been transferred to St. Paul by my employer. I got in touch and we had a marvelous breakfast after a Sunday mass in the small town where she and another sister were living. Thirty-seven years had passed but her smile, her vitality and her enthusiasm were still there.
    Many times, when I am able to solve a problem or spell a difficult word I say a quiet “Thank you Sisters” in gratitude for the lessons learned through the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.
    Rest in peace Sister Dominica and may perpetual light shine upon you.

    Tim Sullivan

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