
Top Stories of 2015



2015 was an amazing year for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois! Two of our Sisters saw Pope Francis address Congress in the fall.  Early this year Sister Marcelline Koch traveled to Iraq to stand in solidarity with the Iraqi Dominican Sisters and bear witness to one of the world’s most pressing humanitarian disasters – the displacement of millions of families by political instability and war in the Middle East. Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ (Praise Be to You), was released and at a conference in Ohio our very own Sister Sharon Zayac, who manages our ecological and spirituality center Jubilee Farm,  shared the dais with Cardinal Peter Turkson, Pope Franicis’ point man for the Church’s approach to  care of our common home.

We celebrated the faithful commitment of sixteen of our sisters who mark profession milestones, sent Sister Kelly off to the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate, and marked ten years of commitment to anti-racism with a rockin’ Gospel concert and a proclamation from Springfield Mayor Jim Langfelder.

Read some of the many interesting stories that we shared in 2015.  The stories are listed in reverse chronological order from most recent to the beginning of 2015.

Take a few moments to reflect on your year with contemplative silence and fill yourself with awareness of the many blessings God has given us.  We hope that your 2016 will be a year full of gratitude, grace and giving to God’s work.


Bearing Witness at the SOA/WHINSEC

Be a Promoter of Encounter

Care of Creation Quote: Laudato Si: 2

800 years old? Lookin’ pretty good!

Springfield Dominican Sisters: Calling All Saints!

Teaching and Preaching at the Motherhouse

Photo: Pope Francis in his Fiat

TWO Springfield Dominicans will see Pope address Congress!

Inspiration from Pope Francis

August 6 is Day of Prayer, Action for Iraq

Q: What does the Lord require of you?

Katch-up with Kelly, Part 2 (See: Moments from “Katch-up with Kelly”)

Mayor Declares Dominican Anti-Racism Team Awareness Day

General Assembly 2015: Mutual Relationships

Encyclical Laudato Si 160

Jubilarian Class of 2015

Sr. Marcelline Koch, OP – Iraq delegation: Global Sisters Report Articles

Springfield  Dominican Sisters honoring the end of the Civil War 150 years later

Way of the Cross 2015 on Good Friday

Video: Stick Figure Sister Story “Our Lady of the Picnic”

Video: I Love Sisters because ____

Who are the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL?

I Have Family in Iraq delegation video

Video: Are you called? (Springfield Dominican Sisters Vocation Video)

206th Lincoln Birthday Dominican Connection

WBEZ’s Worldview – Dominican Sister from Illinois Visits Iraq

Iraq Delegation update from Sister Marcelline Koch, OP: Last Day in the Middle East, Amman Jordan

SDART featured in Illinois Times

Springfield Dominican Sister Marcelline Koch, OP goes to Iraq

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