
The Viatorians’ Testimony: Collaboration for Mission Side-by-Side for 100+ Years

These two Clerics of St. Viator—Brother Michael Gosch and Father Corey Brost—are well known to many of our sisters who’ve worked beside them throughout the years in their roles as educators, vocation ministers, and now, as advocates for the safety, dignity, and well-being of women and men legally seeking asylum in the United States.

“We value working with Springfield Dominican Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy,” says Father Corey. “As the executive director of Viator House of Hospitality, I understand well the complexities of providing compassionate accompaniment for traumatized young people who’ve escaped violence to seek refuge in our nation. Michael and I are grateful for Sister Kathlyn’s steady and unwavering leadership.”

Your gift to the Dominican Sisters of Springfield will continue to enable the collaborative leadership we are able to provide in all our ministries, whether that be high school education, parish pastoral ministry, or support for the most vulnerable people in our society.

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