
Spring Appeal 2024: “Thank you! for supporting our environmental efforts”

Sister Suzanne and SIster Barbara Ann in the vegetable gardens at Sacred Heart Convent.

Your generosity will have an impact on our ability to be witnesses to another way, a way that can transform our world  

If you get overwhelmed, as we ourselves do sometimes, with the magnitude of the challenge, how about some comfort food? 

In the video we shared last week you saw how our kitchen staff and the sisters collaborate to turn vegetable waste into “black gold” compost for the garden. 

You can do that, too, if you like! 

Yes? No? Are you the type to dig into a composting project? 

Whatever the case, you can make a difference by supporting our efforts with a gift today. 

Thank you! 

If you are squeamish about the compost mess, you can still stem the tide of food waste by turning your kitchen scraps into delicious veggie broth. 

According to climate scientists, producing, transporting, and letting food rot contributes more than 8 percent to global greenhouse gas emissions. We can do our bit by converting raw vegetable scraps from waste to delicious homemade broth for soups! 

How to make your own vegetable broth 

Many of our sisters save raw vegetable scraps by storing them in the freezer, then periodically cook them down into delicious broth. It’s a fast, easy, healthy, and frugal way to reduce some of those unwanted greenhouse gas emissions that food in a landfill produce. Here’s how to do it: 

  • In a stock pot or Dutch oven, sauté some aromatics (onion, garlic, rosemary—whatever you have on hand) in a tablespoon of olive oil. 
  • Toss in your reserved frozen veggie scraps and a bay leaf. 
  • Cover with water; bring to a rolling boil. 
  • Reduce heat to simmer, 30-40 minutes. 
  • Strain the broth into another large bowl or pot using a large colander lined with a thin cotton cloth or cheese cloth to catch the scraps. 

After the broth cools, divide into portion sizes that meet your needs using glass or BPA free plastics if possible. Label, date, and freeze—or make a pot of your favorite soup to enjoy it right away! 

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