
Sister Karen Freund, OP

Sister Karen Freund, OP

Phone: (573) 397-8744

Known for many years as Sister Mary Siena, I am the youngest of five siblings, from Crystal Lake, Ill. I have known the Springfield Dominicans Sisters all my life. They staffed the Catholic elementary school I attended, and then taught me when I was a boarder at Sacred Heart Academy, Springfield. The love and care the sisters had for us and for one another helped me know God was calling me to join them when I finished high school.

Study is an essential part of our Dominican charism. My own formal study has included English and secondary education at DePaul University, English at the University of Notre Dame, Religious Formation at St. Louis University, and Biblical Spirituality through Catholic Theological Union’s Israel Study Program. I also completed a two-year certificate program in spiritual direction through the Archdiocese of Louisville.

In ministry I've taught middle and upper grades, English and theology in high school, and been parish life coordinator in places without a resident pastor. Within my religious congregation I've served as director of novices and as a member of our leadership team. I've found all of these ministries life-giving and a source of valuable wisdom for my present ministry in spiritual direction and retreat work. I consider it a privilege to accompany people on their faith journeys.

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