
Sisters to the Land


• Please watch this space for updates.

  • 1:00 p.m.
    Introduction to Jubilee Farm
    with Sister Rose Marie Riley, OP
  • 1:20 p.m.
    Presentation & Reflection
    Falling in Love with Earth with Sister Sharon
  • 2:20 p.m.
    Time outside and group sharing with Sister Sharon Zayac, OP
  • 2:35 p.m.
    Spirituality and Sustainability with Food
    with Sister Anita Cleary, OP
    Experience what makes a healthy snack and why some types of snacks are more Earth-friendly and have a deeper connection to something more important. Sister Anita Cleary will share her recipes that will make you fall in love with Earth a little more.
  • 2:50 p.m.; 30 minute session 1:
    Herbs & Companion Planting
    with Sister Suzanne Donner, OP
  • 2:50 p.m.; 30 minute session 2:
    with Sister Margaret Therese Hebert, OP
  • 3:50 p.m.
    Closing Prayer
    with Sister Rose Marie Riley, OP


Limited space! Registration received after February 20 will be on a waiting list. We will contact you when a space becomes available.

Register today!




Jubilee Farm | 6760 Old Jacksonville Road
(3.8 Miles West of Veterans Parkway)
www.jubileefarm.info | 217-787-6927


Jubilee Farm is located just 3.8 miles west of Veteran's Parkway in Springfield, IL. (Note: we are not located in New Berlin)

Mailing Address:

6760 Old Jacksonville Road,
New Berlin, IL 62670

From the East:
(1) Take 72 West into Springfield. 72 West becomes Clearlake Avenue and then Jefferson Street.
(2) Continue west on Jefferson to Veterans Parkway.
(3) Turn left (south) onto Veterans Parkway.
(4) Turn right (west) onto Old Jacksonville Road.
Jubilee Farm is 3.8 miles west of Veterans Parkway. The driveway is on the left.

From the West:
Take 36/72 east into Springfield.
(2) Exit Rt. 4 (Veterans Parkway, north into Springfield).
(3) Continue north on Veterans Parkway to Monroe St./Old Jacksonville Rd. (name changes west of Veterans Pkwy).
(4) Turn left onto Old Jacksonville Rd.
Jubilee Farm is 3.8 miles west of Veterans Parkway. The driveway is on the left.

From the South:
Take I-55 north; take the I-72 west ramp (when coming into Springfield).
(2) Take Exit 93.
(3) Turn right (north) at exit ramp light onto Veterans Parkway.
(4) Continue north on Veterans Parkway to Monroe Street/Old Jacksonville Road.
Jubilee Farm is 3.8 miles west of Veterans Parkway. The driveway is on the left.

From the North:
From I-55 south, take Exit 105 (Sherman); (road becomes Veterans Parkway).
(2) Drive approximately 11 miles.
(3) Turn right (west) onto Old Jacksonville Road.
Jubilee Farm is 3.8 miles west of Veterans Parkway. The driveway is on the left.


(1) From Route 29, continue into Springfield.
(2) Turn right (south) onto Veterans Parkway.
(3) Turn right onto Old Jacksonville Road.
Jubilee Farm is 3.8 miles west of Veterans Parkway. The driveway is on the left.

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