
Sister Jean Patrice: Supporting Safe Place for Students

One of my hidden ministries is working with students from Safe Place, a support group for any Marian Catholic High School students who identify as  LBGTQ+ or students who have family members or friends who are LBGTQ+. I was a founding supporter of Safe Place. Nationwide, LBGQT+ teens have the highest rate of suicide attempts because they feel so isolated. Safe Place provides a community where they can speak thier truth and be accepted for their truth. I believe it helps students explore who they are and become the person God is calling them to be.

This essay was written by a Safe Place student that shows how important the program is for the well-being and development of LGBTQ+ students.

Safe Place has meant a lot to me. I’ve made so many great friends through it and got even closer to the ones I already have. It has been a large contributing factor for me figuring out who I am.

When I first came to Marian I was questioning a lot of things about myself. I remember the first time the I heard the announcement for Safe Place. I was sitting in study hall and wondered if I should check it out.

My friend and I decided to check it together and I’m really glad I did. Everybody was so nice and welcoming and it made me feel better about myself. As 2019 went on fewer people came to meetings but I still enjoyed it.

"Now I feel confident and comfortable saying that I’m gay and I have Safe Place to thank for that."

I remember watching Love, Simon with everyone, inviting the student council people over to express our concerns, and the meetings where we were just hanging out together. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to attend Wednesday meetings now because of Cadet Band.

I enjoyed Safe Place while I was able to go though. It felt really great to be in environment where I could just be myself. Now I feel confident and comfortable saying that I’m gay and I have Safe Place to thank for that. Overall, I am thankful for Safe Place being here to help me get through the beginning of my high school life.

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