
Sister Denise Glazik, OP

Sister Denise Glazik, OP

Sister Denise Glazik, OP

Iā€™m happy to introduce myself to you as the vocation director of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield. Iā€™m the youngest of seven brothers and seven sisters from tiny Paxton, Ill. Itā€™s only partly a joke to say Iā€™ve lived in a community all my lifešŸ˜Š. My Catholic family ate together, prayed together, and played together. From my family I learned there is always ENOUGH for everyone, and always room at the table.

After high school I worked at my fatherā€™s business during the day and my sisterā€™s restaurant in the evening. I attended Mass at my parish and dated the man of my dreams. We were together for nearly 6 years! My future was set. Iā€™d marry ā€œmy loveā€ and spend my days raising children and working at one of our family businesses. NEVER did I think of entering the convent. NEVER did I plan to go to college!

God had a different idea. I met the Dominican Sisters of Springfield in the parish where I was active as a lector, catechist, and RCIA team member. Soon, in ways I couldnā€™t easily describe then, I felt called to more.

Godā€™s plan was taking hold of my heart. After a time of discernment, I entered a program of formation and, with the guidance of the sisters, my spirit, and Godā€™s Spirit within me, I felt confirmed in my call to religious life. A total of 8 years transpired from the day I walked in the door and my perpetual profession of vows. Godā€”and the sistersā€”gave me plenty of time to listen to my heart and be sure of my call before my final commitment.

They helped me to discern the best use of my gifts, too. I, who never thought of higher education, earned a bachelorā€™s degree in psychology and a masterā€™s degree in theology. These equipped me to spend my life for God as an educator of children and adults; parish pastoral minister, and now as someone who accompanies other women on the path of discernment of Godā€™s call.

Here are some words of wisdom for your own discernment:

  • Whatever you are discerning, you are making a choice between good things!
  • Prayer will keep your heart attuned to Godā€™s call and your own desires.
  • Reach out to family, friends, a Catholic sister or a priest and talk about your process of discernment.
  • Never say NEVER!

Browse the resources here and reach out when you are ready to talk.

Blessings to you,

Sr. Denise

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