
Registration now open for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples

Virtual prayer for the six Wednesdays of Lent

Springfield, Ill.—Women and men everywhere are invited to join the Dominican Sisters of Springfield for Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples. The virtual sessions, scheduled for 7:00 pm Central Time on the Wednesdays of Lent starting March 5, will allow space for participants to attune their hearts and minds to the struggles of those Jesus most often accompanied during his life on Earth: widows, orphans, and persons cast out.

The title draws on Jesus’ request in Matthew’s gospel that the disciples accompany him to Gethsemane while he prays, just before his arrest.

Hosted by the Dominican Sisters’ Vocation Office, participants can expect to

  • hear reflections on the theme from Dominican sisters,
  • enjoy periods of silence and sharing, and
  • build a community of prayer and mutual support for their Lenten practice.

“We welcome women who are discerning a call to religious life, of course,” said Springfield Dominican Sister Denise Glazik, the congregation’s vocation director. “And we hope that all women and men, wherever they are and whatever their circumstance, will find this a meaningful way station on their Lenten journey.”

The liturgical season of Lent includes six weeks before Holy Week. It is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving in preparation for the celebration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The baptized are encouraged to use this time to prepare for the renewal of their baptismal promises. Parish communities may also be accompanying those who intend to join the Church. For them, Lent is considered a six-week retreat in preparation for their baptism or profession of faith. Customarily, then, these new Catholics are welcomed into the church during the services on Holy Saturday, during the Triduum.

We hope that all women and men, wherever they are and whatever their circumstance, will find this a meaningful way station on their Lenten journey.”

Stay with Me: Lenten Prayer for Disciples runs weekly March 5-April 9. Participants are welcome to join all six sessions, or choose a few according to their own schedule and needs. Register once for participation in any or all of the sessions at springfieldop.org/events.

The Dominican Sisters of Springfield were founded in 1873 and have served God and God’s people in the United States, and in Peru, since 1965. The sisters, through their sponsored institutions and ministries educate leaders, provide pastoral care, and build relationships for the transformation and life of the world. To learn how you can join us in this mission, start here  or click to call Sister Denise Glazik at 217-787-0481.

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