
Prayer for the Iraqi Dominican Sisters' General Chapter

Join us in praying with and for them July 1-10.

The sisters will elect a new prioress general and make important decisions about their life and ministry.
Their prayer: “We search for you and long to see your face—the face of compassion and mercy.”


On July 1 the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Sienna in Iraq begin General Chapter, a periodic event for all Dominican congregations to discuss the things that matter most: life in community, prayer, study, and the preaching mission of the Order.

You can join Dominican women and men around the world who have promised to pray with the sisters this prayer written by the Iraqi sisters and translated to English from the original Aramaic. During chapter they will elect a new prioress general and make important decisions about their life together and their ministry.

Chapter is an important moment in the life of every religious community. When your community is displaced from home and serving tens of thousands of people who are suffering the consequences of dangerous geopolitical realities, it becomes an even more crucial moment to call on the Holy Spirit.

Please join us in this prayer for and with them. Feel free to print and share this widely.

Our congregation has been in relationship with our Iraqi Dominican Sisters since 2001. We’ve hosted members of the community in the U.S. and several of us have traveled to Iraq on multiple occasions.

Thank you for your prayer and concern for our Dominican Sisters.


Use our secure donation page to support the Iraqi Dominican Sisters.

Learn more:

WGLT interview with Sister Marcelline Koch, OP, after her 2014 trip to Iraq.

WBEZ Worldview interview with Sister Beth Murphy, OP, and Iraqi-American Rihab Mousa, October 27, 2014

WBEZ Worldview interview with Sister Beth Murphy, OP, and Iraqi-Ammerican Rihab Mousa, August 8, 2014, two days after the Iraqi Christian exodus from the villages of Nineveh Plain


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