
Oración por el Perú – A Prayer for Peru

Good Father
We entrust our Peru in your hands.
Though the aftermath and dangers are not over,
we thank you for being very close to us,

 in the enthusiasm, initiatives and imagination,
with which we rose above the very hard moments
that we passed,
in all our victims that we carry in our hearts

and in all men and women who cared for them,
and to us, survivors.
We thank you for their example.
which inspires us to renew our way to be Peruvian.

You appeared in them:
In the victims with whom always
you identify yourself from the cross.
And in the men and women Samaritans
who helped us as your witnesses.

the survivors of this tragedy,
We still ask you for strength,
courage and inspiration not to abandon you
either as a victim or as Samaritans.

We ask that the free gift of your love that does not abandon,
be seen again in us Christians
and in all Peruvians

You already did:
In the women of the soup kitchens.
In the entrepreneurs and friends who shared oxygen and food,
in young people who seek education
to build a better country.
In the Amazonian people and people who live near rivers and seas,
that struggle to reverse the ecological damage.
In every Peruvian who expects a united homeland.
In the nurses, the doctors and the police
In those who clean the streets.
In those who accompany the lonely elders
and take care of the children.

Gift us with the miracle of our personal and social conversion.
Father, we know that our Peru suffers great dangers in the midst of a global crisis:
sickness, hunger,
unemployment, ecological destruction,
the growth of poverty, but also despair,
excessive ambition, corruption, delinquency,
violence, mafias and the general crisis.

You know Father, that we are experiencing a very difficult moment.
Faced with so many serious problems, we have a very poor leadership.
We are already walking without a clear direction,
because the partial interest prevails over the common good of our country;
as if our suffering were that of another group.

 We ask you to inspire strength in the human entrails of Peru
and of the Church,
so that whoever leads
be sensitive to the suffering of the last,
faithful to the demands of their mission
give up their own interest,
and have real qualities and qualification to lead.

Give us strength to stop indifference
and improvisation in the face of the general suffering of the “Lazarus” Peru.
Father, renew the gift the spirit of Jesus
so that your gracious kingdom of love may come to Peru.
We know He will lift us up again,
strengthening our fraternal bonds
and our grassroots organizations.
We know that you will give us the joy of children,
the courage of the young
the wisdom of the adults.
Father, give us all that wisdom
which is the sweet wisdom of Mary,
so that we learn to create at all levels,
prudence and responsibility,
respect for the rights of all,
especially for those neglected.
May Peru grow and foster a solid unity
in the midst of its national diversity.

And make that all Christians, especially Catholics
live listening and faithfully obeying your Word,
being missionary disciples even in the most
remote corners;
and also listen to the cry of those who suffer and seek with hope
a future for their youth and children.

That united, believers and non-believers
could feel running through our veins
the joy of the spirit
of your Son Jesus, our Lord of Miracles
who lives and reigns forever
and also in Peru, AMEN.

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