
General Assembly 2015: Mutual Relationships

“We claim our power to nurture mutual relationships.”
“Reconocemos nuestro poder para nutrir relaciones mútuas.”

General Assembly 2015: Mutual Relationships

The religious life and community of Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL is based on mutual relationships. The chapter statement calls the Sisters to explore a deeper sense of mural relationships. At the General Assembly Sisters reviewed a summary of the Chapter Chats. The Chapter Chats were designed to explore where the congregation is now and expects to be in 5 years. Here are phrases taken from Sisters’ responses in the Chapter Chats concerning mutual relationships:

We have more power than we think we do
Tenemos más poder de lo que pensamos;
Cultivating attitudes of trust and accountability
Cultivar actitudes de confianza y responsabilidad;
Using our power to stand with, not over, others
Utilizar nuestro poder para estar al lado, no por encima, de los demás;
Nurturing mutual relationships that offer healing
Cultivando relaciones mútuas que ofrecen sanación;
Focused on the common good
Enfocadas en el bien común


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