
New Video! – The journey to finding wholeness and peace – National Vocation Awareness Week 2014

“Bringing God into every subject is very freeing.”  ~ Sister Martha Carmody, OP
“Bringing God into every subject is very freeing.” ~ Sister Martha Carmody, OP

“Bringing God into every subject is very freeing.” ~ Sister Martha Carmody, OP

Sister Martha’s path to finding wholeness and peace made several turns in her life marked with many accomplishments. Her journey took her from teaching elementary education in the public school system for 24 years to attaining a Parish Life Coordinator certificate and becoming a Dominican Associate, but she still felt that something crucial was missing. She found wholeness when she became a Springfield Dominican Sister. Her current vocation as a Dominican Sister educator allows her the ability to freely bring God into every subject, and she says she has found the peace she has looked for her whole life.

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