
New Video! – Moments from “Katch-up with Kelly”: Joy in Community, Hospitality and Joy & Chocolate is a Vegetable

Moments from “Katch-up with Kelly”
Sr. Kelly Moline, OP shares her experiences from the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate (CDN) on 12/19/14.

Joy in Community:
“It is truly joy that attracted me to this community & continues to on a daily, hourly, minutely, secondly basis.” ~ Sr. Kelly Moline, OP from her report “Katch-up with Kelly” given Friday, December 19, 2014 about her experiences with her Sisters in the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate (CDN) since she arrived in August of 2014.

Hospitality and Joy:
“When people ask me why I chose a the Dominicans, and specifically why I chose Springfield Dominicans, hospitality and joy are the first two words – and sometimes the only words that come out of my mouth to adequately do us justice.” ~ Sr. Kelly Moline, OP from her report “Katch-up with Kelly” given Friday, December 19, 2014 about her experiences with her Sisters in the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate (CDN) since she arrived in August of 2014.

Chocolate is a Vegetable:
Sr. Kelly tells a story about the day she was enlightened that chocolate is a vegetable.

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