Partners in Mission
By the grace of God, we Dominican Sisters of Springfield have been privileged to labor for God’s mission since 1873. From our earliest days to the present, our contribution to the mission of the church and the healing of the world has been sustained through the self-giving, generosity, and creative energy of the sisters, and the encouragement, prayer, and financial support of our friends and benefactors.
For more than 140 years, we’ve taught children, encouraged families, fostered ethical leadership, stood with immigrants and the poor, raised our voices in solidarity with those who suffer injustice, and worked to make positive change in the world.
Our senior sisters have touched countless lives, sparking generations of faithfulness in the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of those we’ve served in schools, hospitals, parishes, literacy centers and countless other ministry locations in the United States, Peru, and around the globe.
You can become a partner in our mission by making a gift to the Dominican Sisters of Springfield. Read more here about how your gift will make a difference, and learn the many options that exist for sharing your gift with us.
Monthly donations helps keep focus on values

Why Your Gift Matters
In this dawning century, we continue to respond to God’s call to educate, heal, lead, and evangelize. Whether our sisters are teaching in schools or literacy centers, healing bodies or healing Earth, leading for the transformation of unjust systems or accompanying women on the path to responsible adulthood, we need your help.
Please join us in this mission of service to God and God’s creation.
You can make a difference by providing healthcare needs for our senior sisters, supporting sisters who work in impoverished communities, and enabling innovative new ministries designed to touch the lives of the next generations’ children, families, and leaders.
Ways to Give
There are many ways to support the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.
St. Catherine Legacy Society.
When you arrange for a planned gift of any size to the Dominican Sisters, you join the St. Catherine Legacy Society. You and your family remain perpetually in the daily prayers of our sisters. Your name or a memorial of your choosing will also be included on a plaque in the chapel of the Dominican Sisters. Request an appointment with Sister Kathleen Anne Tait to discuss your options.
Annual giving.
An annual gift made at the time of a significant religious holiday (St. Dominic’s Day, Christmas) or personal milestone (a wedding anniversary) is a way to align your giving with your desire to express gratitude for the role of the sisters or God’s blessing in your life.
Bearers of the Flame.
A monthly gift made through our secure online donors’ portal or through your online banker helps you and us with financial planning. It’s a safe and convenient way to give for many people.
Memorials and tributes.
Offering your gift in honor of a living Dominican Sister or other significant person, or in memory of a loved one or sister who has died is a meaningful way to give for many of our donors.
Choose Your Giving Plan
Not sure how to give? Here are some options. Contact Sister Kathleen Anne Tait for more details.
Cash Gifts.
Donation of cash is a quick and easy way to give immediate support. Gifts can be made using cash, check, e-check, or credit card. One-time or re-occurring donations can be made at the donate button on the website.
Non-Cash Gifts.
Stocks and bonds can be contributed directly to the Dominican Sisters with certain tax advantages to the donor based on current market value on the date that the gift is received.
Matching Gifts.
Some employers offer a matching gift program which allows employees the opportunity to increase the value of their charitable gift. The employer will send a check to the Dominican Sisters which matches the gift of the employee.
Honorary and Memorial Gifts.
An honorary gift is a way to recognize a living person for any special occasion or accomplishment. Memorials are donations made in memory of a deceased friend or loved one.
Foundation Gifts.
The Dominican Sisters of Springfield participate in the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln. Donations can be made to the foundation for the benefit of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, on-line at or by calling 217-789-4431.
Planned Gifts.
Many planned gifts require the assistance of legal or financial advisors. Most planned gifts are deferred gifts promising future support of the Dominican Sisters and have the potential for a lasting impact for the Sisters. When naming the Dominican Sisters as a beneficiary of a bequest, contact the Office of Mission Advancement for more information.
To learn more contact Sister Kathleen Anne Tait, the director of Mission advancement for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.
Designating Your Gift
Donations may be designated for any of the following areas or for the “Greatest Need” which helps the sisters with their current needs and priorities.
Sisters’ greatest need.
This designation allows us to put your gift to work immediately wherever the need is most urgent or unexpected.
Sister’s Health Care and Retirement.
A gift to this fund provides assisted or skilled nursing care for our senior sisters.
Ministry to the underserved.
Though we could have chosen otherwise, we’ve made it a priority to respond to situations of great need where others are unwilling or unable to go. Your gift to this fund supports the ministry of sisters serving in the inner city, literacy centers, underserved rural areas, and health clinics in the U.S. and Peru.
Ecology & Sustainability Efforts.
This designation supports our work to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of Earth at Jubilee Farm and to transition to clean, green energy at Sacred Heart Convent and other facilities we own.
Peruvian Mission.
Help our Peruvian Dominican Sisters be the face of Jesus for the people of Lima and the villagers of the Andes as they labor with and for the poor in a place where people and the land suffer centuries of abuse, neglect, and political upheaval.
Cor Unum.
Meaning “One Heart” a gift to this new ministry enables our sisters to help young adult women discover their spiritual depth, create change for a better world, and be of service. It includes a residential component for up to three women who want to immerse themselves in a life of prayer, community, study, and service.