
2024 Spring Appeal

Caring for Earth...Caring for YOU!

For more than 25 years, our Dominican Sister Sharon Zayac has inspired us—and many others around the world—helping us understand the urgency of this truth:
Our care for one another and our care for Earth are intimately bound together.


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Visit each week for a new video or story on how we are Caring for Earth..Caring for YOU!

Meet Sister Sharon

Sister Sharon has helped us see that caring for Earth IS caring for each other, and for the most vulnerable people of the world. Without clean air and water, healthy soil, and a reduction in the consumption of Earth’s gifts, Earth cannot sustain life.

That is why our sisters everywhere, in the U.S. and Peru, work to reduce our carbon footprint. Sometimes our efforts don’t seem enough. But without them, change will never come. Will you give today? A gift from you will go a long way to sustain our efforts to use fewer of Earth’s gifts.


How your gift will make an impact

  • A $54 gift lights one administrative office for 50,000 hours with ultra efficient, warrantied LED lightbulbs.
  • A $152 gift supports the Jubilee Farm permaculture project to help others build sustainable, healthy gardens.
  • A $211 gift keeps Sacred Heart Convent grounds, green, safe and beautiful!

Thank you for the many ways you have partnered with us through the years. We are grateful for your continued support!

Learn more about our efforts in Caring of Earth...Caring for YOU! 

Enjoy these videos and stories about ways we are reducing our carbon footprint!

Week one: "Jubilee Farm Helps Earth Heal" 

Week two: Keeping the motherhouse green, safe, and beautiful

Week three: "Reducing our carbon footprint" with Brad Cox, Edith Peacock and Matt Pryer

Week four: “No bottled water in my home. Period.  with Jean Ann Miller

Week five: 701 kilowatts of solar power. In spirit of ‘Laudato Si’’ Marian Catholic uses solar energy with MCHS updates on solar 

Week six: "Thank you!" from the SHC "garden club"

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