Join us for a Meet Our Sisters Tour watch party
during National Vocation Awareness week
Springfield Dominican Sister Beth Murphy and Father Joe Molloy, a priest of the Springfield, Ill., diocese, talk about "call," what happened when they were ready to give up, and the way family and parish can impact women's and men's decisions to discern vocations to priesthood and religious life.
Father Joe's interest in the priesthood wasn't solid the day he walked in seminary door.
Sister Beth had "no plan" that included consecrated life.
Now, forty years later, each is living a fulfilling, purposeful life, following the path God drew them towards decades ago.
The public is invited to learn more about Father Joe, Sister Beth, and the way God has worked in their lives on November 6, when the Dominican Sisters of Springfield host the fifth annual Meet our Sisters Tour (MOST) event.
“Every single person’s path to God is different,” said Sister Denise Glazik,” the Dominican Sisters’ vocation minister, “And yet, as you will notice with Sister Beth’s and Father Joe’s stories, at the core of each call is a desire to be in relationship with God and to make a gift of self for the life of the world.”
This virtual watch party, free to all who register, will debut a video of Sister Beth and Father Joe, then participants will join them for a live, in-the-moment conversation to allow for deeper questions and further discussion about what it’s like to say yes to God—and to the adventure of serving God’s people.
“The lives of Father Joe, an only child who grew up in Alton, Ill., and Sister Beth, one of ten children who calls Joliet, Ill., home, have much to contribute to the global conversation about how the Holy Spirit is at work in the church creating a vibrant witness to God’s desire for human life,” Sister Denise said. “We hope to welcome a large crowd for this online event!”
"... at the core of each call is a desire to be in relationship with God and to make a gift of self for the life of the world.”
The conversation is offered as part of the Meet Our Sisters Tour sponsored by the Chicago regional group of Communicators for Women Religious, communications professionals who support the ministry of Catholic Sisters. The event occurs annually during National Vocation Awareness Week, which promotes awareness of the many ways God calls women and men into a life of commitment to the Gospel. NVAW also emphasizes a renewal of our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations.
Five congregations with ministerial ties in Illinois are participating in MOST23. “I encourage you to hop on the virtual ‘tour bus’ to be inspired by the lives and stories of many women religious who serve in Illinois and around the globe,” said Sister Denise.
The Dominican Sisters of Springfield are members of the worldwide Order of Preachers founded in the 13th century by St. Dominic Guzman. Today Dominicans preach the good news of Jesus Christ around the world as priests, consecrated religious and laity, and associates. For more information about how you can join the Dominican mission visit springfieldop.org/dominican-mission.
MOST23 Watch Party Registration
Join Sister Beth Murphy and Father Joe Molloy 7:00 p.m. Central, Monday, November 6, for a conversation about call.

Then & Now
Sister Beth Murphy, OP & Father Joe Molloy