Welcome to the 3-Day Virtual Retreat
Listen. See. Respond!
Things You Will Need
- Trust in God
- Comfortable Alone Space
- Notebook for Journaling
- A Scripture App or Bible
- Candle
- Cup of Tea/Coffee (if so inclined)

Contact me:
Sister Denise Glazik, OP
Director of Vocations for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois
Welcome and Promise of Prayer
As you begin, remember you are not alone because I will be praying for you and the Holy Spirit will also accompany you.
Tweet me at @SrDenise1 or follow me on Instagram or Facebook. click below to send me your first name and I will keep you in prayer during this retreat.
There are three sessions.
I love my life.
“I love my life. I want others to love this life, too. And so many of our sisters have called me to take on this role of service for the community. They mention my gifts of presence and patience and, listening and pastoral ministry.”
~ Sister Denise Glazik, OP
Director of Vocations for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois
Session 1- Listening.

Step 1 – Arriving
- Select a quiet spot/place
- Light your candle
- Settle yourself in your comfortable space
- Take a deep breath, and another
- Listen to the quiet – Receive its blessing
- Place each thought running through your head into God’s hands -for now
- As they show up again – hand them back – again and again
- Ask for an open heart and mind
Repeat the last five dots a second time.

Step 2 –Reflecting
Scripture Passage
- Read the passage slowly-1 Kings 19:11-13
- Roll it around inside you
- Begin journaling with these questions:
-Elijah is in a cave when God comes by. Where will God find you?
-What feelings arrive as you listen to this passage? Why?
-What have been the “earthquakes” in your life? As you look them over now, can you see God’s presence there too? Where? How?
-Tell God you are listening now.
Optional Break –
- Remaining quiet try a stretch break.
- Might be time for your cup of tea/coffee?
- Avoid checking your phone.

Step 3 – My Takeaway
- Listen to the suggested music video
- In your journal:
-What word, phrase or line speaks to your heart? Why?
-Is something clearer for you now than when you began this session? Describe the clarity.
-Any other thoughts or feelings? Feel free to write them down.

Step 4- Giving Thanks
- Take a moment and thank God for this time together.
- Hand God anything which surfaced that you want to go back to later in this retreat.
- Thank God for holding it until you sit with God again.
- Finally, simply rest in the words of scripture you used in this session and thank God for being with you today.
End of Day 1

Step 1 – Arriving
- Select a quiet spot/place
- Light your candle
- Settle yourself in your comfortable space
- Take a deep breath, and another
- Listen to the quiet – Receive its blessing
- Place each thought running through your head into God’s hands -for now
- As they show up again – hand them back – again and again
- Ask for an open heart and mind
Repeat the last five dots a second time.

Step 2 –Reflecting
Scripture Passage
- Read the passage slowly- Mark 10:46-52
- Roll it around inside you
- Begin journaling with these questions:
-The world around him saw Bartimaeus only as a blind beggar. Jesus sees a person. In what ways do you want your seeing to be healed?
- At first those around him try to quiet him, but Jesus sees Bartimaeus. Are you enabling others to come to Christ or are you hindering them?
-What feelings rise in me as I imagine looking at others through God’s eyes?
-Where are the blind spots in your life? How can Jesus help you?
Optional Break –
- Remaining quiet try a stretch break.
- Might be time for your cup of tea/coffee?
- Avoid checking your phone.

Step 3 – My Takeaway
- Listen to the suggested music video
- In your journal:
-Are you spiritually blind to those around you crying out for help. Do they need to hold up a placard?
-Are you enabling others to come to Christ or are you hindering them?
-What feelings rise in me as imagine looking at others through God’s eyes?
-Let God tell you who you are to Him. What might help you see yourself as God sees you?
-How will seeing as God sees help you see others in a new way?
-Any other thoughts or feelings? Feel free to write them down.

Step 4- Giving Thanks
- Take a moment and thank God for this time together.
- Hand God anything which surfaced that you want to go back to later in this retreat.
- Thank God for holding it until you sit with God again.
- Finally, simply rest in the words of scripture you used in this session and thank God for being with you today.
End of Day 2

Step 1 – Arriving
- Select a quiet spot/place
- Light your candle
- Settle yourself in your comfortable space
- Take a deep breath, and another
- Listen to the quiet – Receive its blessing
- Place each thought running through your head into God’s hands -for now
- As they show up again – hand them back – again and again
- Ask for an open heart and mind
Repeat the last five dots a second time.

Step 2 –Reflecting
Scripture Passage
- Read the passage slowly- Mark 6:34-44
- Roll it around inside you
- Begin journaling with these questions:
-The disciples wanted to send the people home. Jesus chooses to feed them with what they have. What can this be teaching you about what you can give to others?
-The first thing Jesus does is receive the truth of what he is given and then offers thanks for what seems so little- not enough. How might following these same steps allow you to respond to the needs of others?
-What feelings rise in me as I stand there with the disciples holding five loaves, two fish and seeing a hungry crowd of 5,000?
-When I see persons/ crowds in need how do you respond? Do I expect someone else will take care of them?
Optional Break –
- Remaining quiet try a stretch break.
- Might be time for your cup of tea/coffee?
- Avoid checking your phone.

Step 3 – My Takeaway
- Reflectively watch the suggested video. (You may want to watch it more than once.)
- In your journal:
- What image stays with you? Why?
- The man in the video has so little yet responds to so many. How is he able to do so?
- How might listening to God, seeing with God’s eyes help you respond in a new way?
- Any other thoughts or feelings? Feel free to write them down.

Step 4- Giving Thanks
Take a moment and thank God for this time together.
Hand God anything which surfaced that you want to go back to later in this retreat.
Thank God for holding it until you sit with God again.
Finally, simply rest in the words of scripture you used in this session and thank God for being with you today.
Final Step of the Retreat

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